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ssrs 2008 UserID


In an SSRS 2008, I found that I can use the following value 'right(User!UserID,10)' as a parameter value to obtain the userid of the person running the ssrs 2008 report. However I would like to know where this userid comes from? is this from windows authentication?

Also I would like to know if there are other ways to obtain the userid for the person running the report? Would you tell me and/or point me to link(s) that will tell me how to obtain the userid from other methods?

Export SSRS report in different Excel workbooks


Hi All,

I want to know if it is possible to export SSRS report in multiple workbooks.

E.g. If my main SSRS report (MainReport.rdl) consists of 2 sub-reports (Report1.rdl and Report2.rdl). And I wish to export them in two different workbooks (ReportExport1.xlsx and ReportExport2.xlsx).

I just need a confirmation if this is doable or not and if yes, then please let me know how.

Thanks in advance!

SSRS 2016 Report Manager Custom Links And Report Delivery Strategy Question


I have a general microsoft reporting software strategy question and a specific technical question i'm hoping to get advice on.. 

In the SSRS 2016 report manager/portal, would there be a visually appealing and scale-able way to add hyperlinks to reports that only live in SharePoint ? Specifically Excel Services reports.

We would have a "Sales Manager" area with KPIs, RDL's, Mobile Reports, & eventually Power BI reports, but then a group of Excel Services reports that live in our SharePoint environment ?

We have a 2016 SSAS Tabular Sales data model. Execs want the experience of Excel Pivot with SSAS connection of drilling from Location ->SalesPerson->Customer->Invoice, for location managers (using tabular RLS) to use BUT don't want to pay for ~300 desktop Excel licenses for these managers because we already get Excel Services with SharePoint. 

Because SharePoint could be a "report manager" with Excel Services, & links back to any of the SSRS server objects, we're now thinking that be the central point place for users to see all their reports. Before the Excel services requirement, we were going to skip the SharePoint layer and funnel users directly in to SSRS 2016 report manager. I am concerned about the extra SharePoint security/maintenance layer though. 

SQL Mobile Reports Sorting


Hello- I am trying to figure out how to set a default sort for objects in the SQL Mobile Report Publisher. e.g. a Simple Data Grid. 

My datasets are coming from our SSAS tabular cube and there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to sort the datasets at any point (in visual studio when creating the dataset, once it's on the report server, in the mobile report publisher Data tab, on the visual object, etc.)

Is the only option to change the design mode in visual studio Query Designer when creating the dataset, then add MDX to order by ? I would hate for that to be the only option because then we lose the simplicity of the drag and drop query designer, we're stuck editing MDX for on going maintenance. 

SSRS 2016 Mobile Report Dataset using SSAS 2016 Tabular Data Model Row Level Security


Is there a tutorial on how to setup a SSRS 2016 dataset (for a mobile dashboard) that's connected to a 2016 SSAS Tabular data model, to use row level security ? 

Currently I have row level security setup on the tabular model working perfectly if the user connects to the model in Excel.

Does anyone know how I should configure creating the dataset that uses the SSAS data model as a source ? And how I should configure the report server's connection to that data model ? I believe I want to pass a service account to the tabular model that has full read access, but also use the user name being passed for Row Level Security ?

Thanks ! 

Simple customer portal using SSRS 2016

We have new requirement for setting up a simple portal where our customers can log in and view their purchase and may be have a simple reservation system. I am wondering if we can implement all these in the new web portal available with SSRS 2016, rather than investing a whole more time in setting up a brand new portal written in languages like .net or java. My question is, has anyone tried doing sth similar? Or any iinsight will be helpful.

SSRS chart does not display custom color for series groups unrepresented in last category


The image below depicts the defect/result. Note the "Pass" series group on the graph is (correctly) represented by Green, but on the legend, the "Pass" series group is incorrecty represented by Blue.

If John also had a passing score, or Richard were ordered last, the above legend would render correctly. The legend would also render correctly if I used auto-color assignments, rather than a custom fill expression.

Here's the chart's basic configuration:

Here's the expression for the value fill color:

	Fields!F2.Value = "Pass", "Green",
	Fields!F2.Value = "Fail", "Red",
	true, "Blue"

Here's the source data file, "sample.csv":

John, Fail
Richard, Pass
Richard, Fail

Here's the report definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Report MustUnderstand="df" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2016/01/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner" xmlns:df="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2016/01/reportdefinition/defaultfontfamily"><df:DefaultFontFamily>Segoe UI</df:DefaultFontFamily><AutoRefresh>0</AutoRefresh><DataSources><DataSource Name="SampleData"><ConnectionProperties><DataProvider>OLEDB</DataProvider><ConnectString>Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\;Extended Properties="text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited"</ConnectString></ConnectionProperties><rd:SecurityType>DataBase</rd:SecurityType><rd:DataSourceID>2a7bf909-ea4e-41ad-945b-572dd733cb1c</rd:DataSourceID></DataSource></DataSources><DataSets><DataSet Name="SampleDataSet"><Query><DataSourceName>SampleData</DataSourceName><CommandText>select * from sample.csv</CommandText><rd:UseGenericDesigner>true</rd:UseGenericDesigner></Query><Fields><Field Name="F1"><DataField>F1</DataField><rd:TypeName>System.String</rd:TypeName></Field><Field Name="F2"><DataField>F2</DataField><rd:TypeName>System.String</rd:TypeName></Field></Fields></DataSet></DataSets><ReportSections><ReportSection><Body><ReportItems><Chart Name="ExampleChart"><ChartCategoryHierarchy><ChartMembers><ChartMember><Group Name="DataBar1_CategoryGroup"><GroupExpressions><GroupExpression>=Fields!F1.Value</GroupExpression></GroupExpressions></Group><SortExpressions><SortExpression><Value>=Fields!F1.Value</Value></SortExpression></SortExpressions><Label>=Fields!F1.Value</Label></ChartMember></ChartMembers></ChartCategoryHierarchy><ChartSeriesHierarchy><ChartMembers><ChartMember><Group Name="DataBar1_SeriesGroup"><GroupExpressions><GroupExpression>=Fields!F2.Value</GroupExpression></GroupExpressions></Group><SortExpressions><SortExpression><Value>=Fields!F2.Value</Value></SortExpression></SortExpressions><Label>=Fields!F2.Value</Label></ChartMember></ChartMembers></ChartSeriesHierarchy><ChartData><ChartSeriesCollection><ChartSeries Name="F2"><ChartDataPoints><ChartDataPoint><ChartDataPointValues><Y>=Count(Fields!F2.Value)</Y></ChartDataPointValues><ChartDataLabel><Style /></ChartDataLabel><Style><Color>=SWITCH(
	Fields!F2.Value = "Pass", "Green",
	Fields!F2.Value = "Fail", "Red",
	true, "Blue"
)</Color></Style><ChartMarker><Style /></ChartMarker><DataElementOutput>Output</DataElementOutput></ChartDataPoint></ChartDataPoints><Type>Bar</Type><Subtype>Stacked</Subtype><Style /><ValueAxisName>Primary</ValueAxisName><CategoryAxisName>Primary</CategoryAxisName><ChartSmartLabel><CalloutLineColor>Black</CalloutLineColor><MinMovingDistance>0pt</MinMovingDistance></ChartSmartLabel></ChartSeries></ChartSeriesCollection></ChartData><ChartAreas><ChartArea Name="Default"><Style><BackgroundColor>#00ffffff</BackgroundColor><BackgroundGradientType>None</BackgroundGradientType></Style></ChartArea></ChartAreas><ChartLegends><ChartLegend Name="Default"><Style><BackgroundGradientType>None</BackgroundGradientType><FontSize>8pt</FontSize></Style><ChartLegendTitle><Caption /><Style><FontSize>8pt</FontSize><FontWeight>Bold</FontWeight><TextAlign>Center</TextAlign></Style></ChartLegendTitle><HeaderSeparatorColor>Black</HeaderSeparatorColor><ColumnSeparatorColor>Black</ColumnSeparatorColor></ChartLegend></ChartLegends><Palette>BrightPastel</Palette><DataSetName>SampleDataSet</DataSetName><Height>2.21403in</Height><Width>3.30208in</Width><Style><Border><Color>LightGrey</Color><Style>Solid</Style></Border><BackgroundColor>White</BackgroundColor><BackgroundGradientType>None</BackgroundGradientType></Style></Chart></ReportItems><Height>2.21403in</Height><Style /></Body><Width>3.30208in</Width><Page><LeftMargin>1in</LeftMargin><RightMargin>1in</RightMargin><TopMargin>1in</TopMargin><BottomMargin>1in</BottomMargin><Style /></Page></ReportSection></ReportSections><ReportParametersLayout><GridLayoutDefinition><NumberOfColumns>4</NumberOfColumns><NumberOfRows>1</NumberOfRows></GridLayoutDefinition></ReportParametersLayout><Language>en-US</Language><ConsumeContainerWhitespace>true</ConsumeContainerWhitespace><rd:ReportUnitType>Inch</rd:ReportUnitType><rd:ReportID>03007dde-b4ce-4734-91b3-c6a45e1a0970</rd:ReportID></Report>
Note that I asked a similar question a few months ago that received a non-working solution because I hadn't been clear enough.

SSRS 2014 + IE 11 Error with ComboBox in Report form (SQL 2014 SP2 12.0.5000.0)

SQL 2014 SP2 12.0.5000.0
Browser IE 11
SSRS -> Report Manger -> Report

When i click multi list combo box in parameters section then error
in http://.../Reports/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?OpType=Resource&Version=12.0.5000.0&Name=ViewerScript

Part of code
_isRTL:function(n){return n||(n=this._gripImageHolder),n instanceof Document&&(n=n.documentElement),_$RVCommon.getComputedStyle(n,"direction")!="ltr"}

Error here: n instanceof Document
Error: Document undefined

compatibility in html -> head ->

If I use emulation in debugger as IE=Edge then no error, but there is another bug: after buildin report vertical scrooll bar scrolls entire page with parameters section and horisontal scrollbar is not visible until scroll down to the end of page

On another server with sql 12.0.4427.24 (SP1) there were no errors

Any ideas?
How To correct this bug?
I looked patches for sp2 but did not see fixes on this error

Automatically convert to Landscape print


I need rdlc report with width(22.3 cm) height(19.6 cm) to print in Portrait Print layout in continuous paper.

i got some sample code from net but it is not  possible in VS 2008


ssrs 2008 obtaining info from userid


When executing an ssrs 2008 report, I would like to ask the following question(s) in regards to obtaining the userid

value when utilizing windows authenication:

1. Does the sql always need to be a stored procedure? Can it be inline sql, a view, and/or a function? Can you show

me the code and/or point me to url(s) links on how to obtain the userid?

2. The report I want to generate does not use login/userid. It uses a unique identifier in the database. Thus to make

the user id access work correctly, I am thinking I would need to create a table that would show the following for each

row in the table:

a. domain name/login id, and

b. the corresponding userid that is in the database

,correct? If so, would this code need to be part of a stored procedure and/or can it be inline sql?

Upgrade of SSRS 2008 R2 to SSRS 2016


Hi All,

Planning to upgrade our SQL Server 2008 R2 server to SQL server 2016. This will be side by side approach, so we will have a separate box for SQL server 2016. I'm planning to do the below steps,

1) Move the .rdl from SQL server 2008 R2 to SQL server2016 file system.

2) Open the .rdl in Visual studio 2015 and export it to report server 2016.

3) Recreate all the User permission in 2016 manually for all the report folder (suggest if any better approach).

Please let me know if you see any issues in the above approach.

Also, SQL server 2008 R2 is in Share point integrated mode. We are planning to install SQL server 2016 in native mode as Microsoft will be stopping the share point integrated mode in future.

Kindly let me know if you need more details.



Calcualting AVG hh:mm:ss


I have a column in an SSRS table that shows hours minutes and seconds. I would like to have a total column that shows the AVG of the hours, minutes, and seconds. How do I do that in SSRS? I also need to do the same for Median.

The data looks like this:


Align the text in Justify format using SSRS 2008


Hi there,

           I have created the report using SSRS 2008 which has aMultiline text box, which should show the text in Justify format. Is there any way of getting the Justify format since its not there in SSRS 2008?

I have heard about Custom controls, could any one give me some more information on text justification in SSRS 2008 or custom controls?




SQL Reporting Services Justify text in a textbox


I need to justify the text of my textboxes (justify both left and right).  SRS only has an option for left, center, and right. 


Does anyone have a custom control that can do this or some tips, tricks, or ideas on how I can make the text justified?


Align the text in justified format.

Stacked Column Charts - Key Duplicates - Visual Studio 2013/SQL Server 2014



I have to build multiple reports in SSRS consisting of a stacked column chart with multiple stacked columns.

I was able to do this and complete the charts (after initial confusion with primary and secondary axis).

However, whichever way I do it, the key on the chart displays each element twice.

The question is, is there any way to avoid the elements duplicating on the key for the chart:

I could hide the key and hard-code my own key at the top but I would rather avoid this and feel there is some simple solution I am missing (presumably due to the primary and secondary axis).

If I do not set elements to the secondary axis then it fixes the key but I end up with a single stacked column when I need two for each group.

Also lastly if I wanted a group to have more than 2 stacked charts is there no way to achieve this?



Robin Wilson

Rsreportserver.config Smtp password settings


  I wanted to know if there was any way of setting the SMTPAuthenticate in the RSReportServer.config file, so i could connect to a remote SMTP with username and password ?

I am using window 2003 system where smtp is not installed  and i don't want to installed it.

If there is another way to change only in Rsreportserver.config  file except pick up directory.

thanks in advance

Ashok kumar yadav

SSRS 2016: How to set anonymous access to SSRS 2016 reports?


Hi All,

We have an ability to set public access for datazen reports. Likewise, do we have any such property to set public access for SSRS2016 reports?



ssrs using sql authenication

 I want to ask the following about sql server authentication on an SSRS 2008 report:

1. When the ssrs 2008 report is running, can sql server authentication be used for 'groups' of users? If so, would you show me how to setup these groups of users?

2. Also can there be individual user access within a group of users? For example if the 'group' is setup for 'Company X', can individual access be setup for each individual user within the group? Basically I would want each user to only have access to certain 'portions' of the reports? Would you show me the code and/or point me to links (urls) that will tell me how to accomplish this goal?

ssrs report obtaining user information


When executing an ssrs 2008 report, I would like to ask the following question(s) in regards to obtaining the userid value when utilizing windows authenication:

1. Does the sql always need to be a stored procedure? Can it be inline sql, a view, and/or a function? Can you show me the code and/or point me to url(s) links on how to obtain the userid?

2. The report I want to generate does not use login/userid. It uses a unique identifier in the database. Thus to make the user id access work correctly, I am thinking I would need to create a table that would show the following for each row in the table:

a. domain name/login id, and

b. the corresponding userid that is in the database

,correct? If so, would this code need to be part of a stored procedure and/or can it be inline sql?

How to move Reports in to new BIDS project


Hello there,

We have upgraded our server from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2008 R2.

There are several reports deployed on the old server and I have been able to download them and upload them to the new server.

I have created a new BIDS project on the new server and have added the reports to BIDS.

However I am unable to open any of the reports in BIDS because they are referencing the old server's datasource.

When I try to preview a report it says:

"An error occurred during local report processing.

Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files.....\Datasource1.rds'

How can I modify the datasource that a report uses in BIDS?

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