I am thinking of a way I can deploy reports and be used by consumers without credentials. EG. I deploy the on a website and be accessed by users and viewed without using credentials.
Please advice o how I should go about this.
I am thinking of a way I can deploy reports and be used by consumers without credentials. EG. I deploy the on a website and be accessed by users and viewed without using credentials.
Please advice o how I should go about this.
Good Morning All,
I have created two new cubes and checked them into the TFS. Now when i want to create a new report using SSRS, i can only see one cube. Please suggest.
Our security team removed admin rights to our laptops, which resulted in ActiveX errors when printing from SSRS 2012. I found the fix and loaded the SSRS 2012 .cab file and registered the .dll. This fixed our issue and was rolled out to all laptops. Unfortunately, one of our apps uses SSRS 2014 and the print broke. I located the SSRS 2014 .cab and installed it on their laptops. Is the .cab file release specific? Is the 2014 .cab backwards compatible? And is this a change that will need to be added to any upgrade or SP patches?
I get trouble run a report with parameters in Oracle Database.
No issues with the report removing the parameters(StartDate and EndDate)
After I enter Startdate and EndDate:
Failed to evaluate the FilterExpression of the DataSet ‘Dataset1’. (rsFilterEvaluationError)
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Data is as follows
Group 1 -> subgroup 1 -> rows of data
subgroup 2 -> rows of data
subgroup 3 -> rows of data
Group 2 -> subgroup 1 -> rows of data
subgroup 2 -> rows of data
In this case I would want Group 2 to come before Group 1, because it has 2 subgroups. I tried using CountRows to no avail. How would one do this in reportbuilder?
Hi All,
I am getting quarter values(1,2,3,4) from database column. I did page break based on quarter grouping.I would like to add quarter value to the respective page on the top.
Any response will be appreciated.
Hi, I'm passing a "Format" value on each record to my tablix's dataset.
Examples are "M " for money, "P " for percentage. The double quotes don't get passed. In each record is also an amount , a name for row group column and an integer for column group.
My expression for formatting the cell correctly is
"M ","'$'#,0.00;('$'#,0.00)","P","0.0%")
I see my currency values being formatted but not my percentage cells. My percentage cells are being formatted just like every other cell that isn't currency. I mapped the amount directly to the cell rather than sum(amt) like ssrs defaults. I've verified that "P " is being passed on a number of records. What am I doing wrong?
Hi all,
While viewing report in SSRS 2008 i am getting an error like this
Warning 1 [rsInvalidExpressionDataType] The Value expression used in textrun ‘Textbox21.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ returned a data type that is not valid.
sotred procedure
Procedure [dbo].[spGetSupervisor]
Distinct L1_ID SupID, L1_Name SupName
REF_DB.info vinnerjoin dbo.fn_MVParam(@CenterID+',',',') P
.CenterID= p.Column1where
v.startdate<= @END_DATEand v.enddate>= @START_DATE
(v.titleIN(@TITLE)or @titleis
by Name
Here is the expression in Report textbox
Please help me
Thanks in advance
I have a Powershell script that I'd like to use as the data source for a SSRS report. Here's the script:
# folder the faxes are moved to $myRoot = '\\serverPath\*.pdf' # get a count by day of the PDFs in the folder Get-ChildItem $myRoot | Group-Object {$_.CreationTime.ToShortDateString()} | select Name, Count | Out-GridView
I'm currently displaying the results in a gridview which works fine for me but wouldn't for end users.
I'd like to use the report server instead, so I need to figure out how to use the script as a data source. Powershell doesn't show up per se in the Data Source Types:
Anyone already cracked this nut?
Christian Bahnsen
we installed SP3 on sql server 2012 and after service pack installation we start receiving below error. tried CU1 as well but no luck. please help
I'm in the process of migrating an intranet application from SSRS 2012 to SSRS 2016. We've deployed the reports from our SSRS 2012 instance to our new SSRS 2016 instance, and the reports work fine when run directly from the SSRS web interface. Where I'm having a problem is with our intranet application, which displays the reports through the ReportViewer control.
I've upgraded the project with the new ReportViewer control through Nuget and got that bit working without needing to change much in my project. The problem I've run into is the ReportViewer control on shows only the parameters and the pagination/export/print controls when a report is run in my intranet application. None of the data tables or charts are ever rendered. However, if you export the report as a PDF, the PDF is rendered correctly.
Anyone have an idea what's going on? The reports I'm running were authored in Visual Studio 2012 and were deployed from VS 2012 to the SSRS 2016 server.
Thank you!
I want to use only the @Year (Current Year) parameter from the query below when I build the SSRS report. I cannot get rid of the other two i.e., @PriorYear and @Year9 because logics have been built to display the required data from these two.
All I want the users to enter the current year value and the results should display. How do I achieve this?
Here is the original query - Note: I am not using the declare in SSRS.
declare @Year varchar(4) = '2017'; declare @PriorYear varchar(4) = cast( cast( @Year as int ) - 1 as varchar(4) ); declare @Year9 varchar(9) = @PriorYear + '-' + @Year; SELECT c.DIS_ID, c.DIS_NAME, c.count AS [Current Count], p.count AS [Prior Count], c.count - p.count AS [# Diff], CASE WHEN p.Count > 0 THEN format(round(((c.Count * 1.00 - p.Count) / p.Count) * 100, 2), '##0.00') ELSE 'N/A' END AS [Perc Change], CASE WHEN c.Count > 0 AND p.Count > 0 THEN CASE WHEN c.Count - p.Count >= 5 AND round(((c.Count * 1.00 - p.Count) / p.Count) * 100, 2) >= 10.00 THEN 'Increase' WHEN c.Count - p.Count <= - 5 AND round(((c.Count * 1.00 - p.Count) / p.Count) * 100, 2) <= - 10.00 THEN 'Decrease' ELSE NULL END END AS [Significant Change?], CASE WHEN c.count = 0 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS [Zero count?], CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE()) AS Date_Generated FROM (SELECT d.ST_ADMIN_ID AS sc_year, d.DIST_ID, d.DIS_NAME, COALESCE (SUM(cc_2.count), 0) AS count FROM DB_USERDATA.table1 AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT sta.SC_YEAR, iep.SUBMITTING_DIS_CODE, COUNT(*) AS count FROM DB_DW.table2 AS iep INNER JOIN DB_DW.table3 AS staa ON iep.ST_AN_ATTRIBS_KEY = sta.ST_AN_ATTRIBS_KEY INNER JOIN DB_DW.table4 AS sd ON iep.ST_KEY = sd.ST_KEY WHERE (sta.SC_YEAR = @Year9) AND (sta.COUNT_INCLUSION_APR1 = 'Yes') AND (iep.APR1_IEP_IND = 'Yes') GROUP BY sta.SC_YEAR, iep.SUBMITTING_DIS_CODE) AS cc_2 ON cc_2.SUBMITTING_DIS_CODE = d.DIS_ID AND d.STA_ADMIN_ID = RIGHT(cc_2.SC_YEAR, 4) WHERE (d.FE_ADMIN_ID IN ('Pu sc dis', 'Non Dis')) AND (d.STA_ADMIN_ID = @Year) OR (d.FE_ADMIN_ID = 'St ag') AND (d.ST_ADMIN_ID = @Year) AND (d.DIS_ID IN ('7000', '7100')) GROUP BY d.ST_ADMIN_ID, d.DIS_ID, d.DIS_NAME) AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT par.AGENCY, par.AGENCY_SHORT_NAME, COALESCE (SUM(cc_1.count), 0) AS count FROM DB_STAGING_ENT.VW_AGENCY_TD AS ent LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT SUBMITTING_AGENCY_KEY, COUNT(*) AS count FROM DB_STAGING_SES.VW_RPT_NT_ECRYPT AS cc WHERE (YEAR = @PriorYear) GROUP BY SUBMITTING_AGENCY_KEY) AS cc_1 ON ent.AGENCY_KEY = cc_1.SUBMITTING_AGENCY_KEY INNER JOIN DB_STAGING_ENT.VW_AGENCY_TD AS par ON ent.AGENCY = par.AGENCY AND (par.AGENCY_TYPE IN ('03', '49') OR par.AGENCY IN ('7000', '7100') AND par.AGENCY_TYPE = '05') AND ent.YEAR = par.YEAR WHERE (ent.YEAR = @PriorYear) GROUP BY par.AGENCY, par.AGENCY_SHORT_NAME) AS p ON c.DISTRICT_ID = p.AGENCY ORDER BY 2
I tried using "Optional Query Parameters" method and provided "OR (@Year9 IS NULL), OR (@PriorYear IS NULL)" in the query near parameter declaration and also checked the 'Allow null value' in the Parameter Properties, and the results are not matching with the DB. I am making some mistake in the query and not sure where?
Appreciate your help.
I read about Effective Date in settings in SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher
and I found its used to set current day's Date
why is that and is there an example of how this changing shows on a charts or reports
Any body know how to crack excel VBA Password
I am currently creating a report in BIDS 2008 which utilizes Report Builder 2.0 and uses CRM Dynamics 2013 data retrieved by a FetchXML query as one of the datasources. The report runs fine within BIDS when I preview and all the connections are made correctly. Unfortunately, when I move the report onto our report server, I receive the following error:
I think some reference is missing but I do not know which one or where to find it. Any help would be appreciated.
Does anybody know SSRS 2016 limitations with big data ?
Does it work with all Hadoop distributions?
Is the new SSRS 2016 covers all areas of reporting with big data.
I know we use PowerBi for Visualization and analytical reports but for operational reports like excel data we would use SSRS .
I was trying to figure out on google I didn't find much.
I have SSRS 2012 installed on a system along with SQL 2012 Standard as the default instance, and want to upgrade only SSRS to 2016 Standard, but the wizard doesn't seem to allow that. It keeps complaining about a default instance even though I've only selected SSRS to install.
I can afford to lose SSRS during the upgrade, but not the other databases running on the default instance and I don't want to risk compatibility issues from 3rd party apps on the default instance either. Is there any way to pull this off?
Worst-case, can I detach the 2012 SSRS databases, uninstall SSRS 2012, install only SSRS 2016 and point the SSRS install to the 2012 SSRS databases without affecting the default instance?
I have just installed SQL Server 2008 Feb CTP. When I try and open the Reporting Services webpage i.e. http://Reportserver/Reports/ I get the error:
The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
In the Reporting Services config, i can't see how to turn this off, apart from removing the SSL entry (port 443 details etc), but this just creates another error.
I am more a developer, so don't really understand SSL, I am just trying to display some reports I have created in 2008.
I am running this on Windows XP.
Many thanks
The question i have is that after creating an SSRS report for invoice information I m having an issue with the invoice numbers and totals. Do i need to create a function to take for example a invoice number of 123 with amount 100 and invoice with same number since related to same company in our data base invoice number 123 and another amount of 50 what would the function need to be under invoices to both combine the invoice numbers and display only one invoice of 123 with a total of 150 ?
I am trying to upgrade SQL 2012 to SQL 2016 (Both enterprise Edition) and I am getting two errors during the setup:
SQL Enterprise to SQL Standard Failed
Rule "No Custonm Security Extensions"
The Report Server has some custom security extensions configured
Rule "No Custom Authentication Extensions" failed
The Report Server has some custom authentication extensions configured
The only steps I found so far are:
This seems heavy for an upgrade!!! and also risky...
Any other idea?
Security / System Center Operations Manager 2012 / System Center Configuration Manager 2012 / SQL System Center Operations Manager 2007 / System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 / Forefront Client Security / Forefront Identity Manager