I am designging one report having around 6 parameters basically this SIX parameters are not required so we are just giving them user so that if they need they can use so they can be called as optional parameters.
1. If they dont select any thing then it means all the values as per query should be displayed none of them should be filtered.
2.Lets say the parameters are (EmpName, EmpID, Location, State) If they all three are blanks then all data according to the query should be displayed. If user selects data for EmpName and remaining blank then filter should be applied for only the EmpName remaing should be displayed
Eg: Here is the Table
If i select EmpName(Tom) and Keep remaing parameter blank then filter should be applied for only EmpName the remainig Parameters should take all the values and display
Tom 3565042 mountainside NJ
Tom 3565043 Winston MO
This values should be displayed
My Query
Select * FROm EmpTable WHERE EmpName IN (@EmapName) AND EmpID IN (@EmpID)
for this query its asking for the both the parameters so it should not cpmpalsury ask for values it should take all the names including null values if it is kept blank so please help me on this issue it will be more help full for me if answered soon.