I have installed SSRS on 2 Servers.
If I go into "Scale out deployment" of SSRS configuration manager I can see both the servers there with the status of joined.
Now I created a virtual IP address which load balances between these SSRS Servers.
Now when configuring the SSRS SharePoint Integration, I went into SP2010 Central Admin -> General Application Settings -> Reporting services integration.
Here for Report Server Web Service URL I entered http://virtual_ip_address/ReportServer
After this I am able to publish and render SSRS reports on my SP2010 farm.
The problem is that if I go into the screen Central Admin -> general application settings -> Add a report server to the integration.
I see only 1 server
And in the server logs on this server, I can see SSRS related entries. on the other server I do not see any SSRS related entries.
So my question is that even when I had given a virtual IP address as teh URL of my report server web service and that virtual IP address was load balancing between the 2 SSRS servers
Somehow SharePoint has detected only 1 of the servers and all requests are only going to that server.
Why is the load balancing not working as expected? why does SP 2010 not just use the URL which I gave? and how did it detect the server name as shown in the screen?
MSDNStudent Knows not much!