I want to hide the error from showing on the report after it renders. The textbox has dates and null values.
I get the #Error after the report renders where value is Null.
I even tried IsNothing(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value) and get False in every cell in the column.
But if I use IsDate(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value) I get True on all fields with a date and False on cell that are Null.
Therefore IsNothing seems to give incorrect results.
=FormatDateTime(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate)
I tried IIF(IsDate(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value),FormatDateTime(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate),Nothing))
IIF(IsNothing(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value),"",FormatDateTime(Fields!LICENCEDDATE.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate))
Same results. There must be something I'm missing