I'm currently trying to create a report that will take three parameters in the URL to generate a report: year, month, and day. The report is using an analysis services data source in RS 2005. Now, my problem is that the parameters being passed in the URL are not being selected in the drop down boxes for the parameters. The report does not throw any exceptions, and after the user selects values for the year, month, and day everything generates successfully.
Here is the URL format I am trying: http://localhost/ReportServer?/FolderName/ReportName&rs:Command=render&Year=2006&Month=6&Day=9
Currently, my parameters are all set to null for default values. They are also not multivalued, not internal, not hidden, don't allow blank, and don't allow null. I have also looked through the valid values in the drop down box for each parameter and verified that the values I supplied in the URL do exist. Also, the data types for each parameter is Integer just like the data type found in the database.
In my opinion, this problem seems directly related to using an analysis services data source. After I was getting this problem, I created a sample report using SQL Server data source, used the same three parameters, and passed them in the URL. Everything on that report worked perfectly.
Please help, I've looked thorugh almost every piece of documentation regarding parameters for Reporting Services and still no luck. Thanks!!