Can someone please guide me, how to fix this issue : the subscriptions are no longer running and im getting rsServerConfigurationError in ExecutionLogStorage . Report name in logs"New ECP accounts for ABC".
1. rsreportserver.config was not touched manually
2. I ve restarted Report server, IIS and SMTP but it did not help. What else should I check to resolve this error?
3. Subscription will work if I uncheck "Include Report" and check "Include Link"
library!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: i INFO: Initializing EnableExecutionLogging to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
notification!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: i INFO: Handling subscription 2ca6550e-409f-4072-8cc9-fbca71577882 to reportNew ECP accounts for ABC, owner: companydomail\reportuser, delivery extension: Report Server Email.
library!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Reports/Marketing/New ECP accounts for ABC')
library!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException:AuthzInitializeContextFromSid: Win32 error: 110, Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. ;
library!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: i INFO: Initializing EnableExecutionLogging to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
emailextension!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: e ERROR: Error sending email. Exception:Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.RSException: The report server has encountered a configuration error. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ServerConfigurationErrorException: The report server has
encountered a configuration error.
notification!WindowsService_0!2378!06/04/2014-10:00:09:: i INFO: Notification 8c70c073-1586-4190-b93b-a8bb2129c87c completed. Success: True, Status: Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. Mail will not be resent.,
DeliveryExtension: Report Server Email, Report: New ECP accounts for ABC, Attempt 0