I'm trying to create a link back to SharePoint list item's dispform from a text box action within a report builder report. The report's datasource/set is the same SharePoint list I'm trying to link back to. I'm using the following"Select URL" expression.
="http://site/subsite/DispForm.aspx?ID=" & cstr(Fields!ID.Value)
The result when clicked is http://site/subsite/DispForm.aspx?ID=7&ID=7 (it should be http://site/subsite/DispForm.aspx?ID=7)
I also tried creating the link by changing the markup to HTML and stringing the HTML in the field's value by this expression.
="<a href='http://site/subsite/DispForm.aspx?ID=" & cstr(Fields!ID.Value) & "'>" & cstr(Fields!AccountID.Value)& " | " &cstr(Fields!HAN.Value) & "</a>"
I get the same result when clicked, http://site/subsite/DispForm.aspx?ID=7&ID=7 (it should be http://site/subsite/DispForm.aspx?ID=7)
I'm really not sure what's going on. Has anyone experienced this behavior before?
Thanks in advance!