I have a tablix where I need to hide the group header whenever the detail row does not show any details, and there are times when the detail row may have data but it will be conditionally hidden.
I have tried to set row visibility on the Name2 group row - =IIF(Trim(Fields!AnswersPrimaryAnswer.Value) = "", True, False)
I have also tried to set visibility in the Advanced Mode for the Static row of the Header - =IIF(Trim(Fields!AnswersPrimaryAnswer.Value) = "", True, False),
and also tried setting the Hidden property under the Properties window for "Tablix Member" - =IIF(count(Fields!FormQuestionText.Value, "Name2")=0,true, false)
I am guessing this is due to data that does actually exist but is not displaying due to the hidden formatting on the details row.
Any ideas how this could be accomplished?