Unable to change Data label position in the Chart using Position from Properties
Hi All,I am trying add the Data label to the chart and the users want them to appear on the top of the stacked bars. By default when I enabled the data labels it showed up in the middle. When I tried...
View ArticleTable of Contents Page with Dynamic Page Numbers
Hi I have a Master Report with multiple sub-reports that generates a PDF. It will be printed by our clients, so it needs to have page numbers and a TOC to reference where the particular sub-report...
View ArticlePoor chart quality when exported to Excel
Hi, Whenever we export a chart to excel, the quality of the chart becomes very poor (blurred image and font).The images look crisp when viewing from report manager and the designer. Has anyone...
View ArticleCode access security for SSRS 2012 extension?
I have a SSRS 2012 IAuthenticaitonExtension that I am trying to get up and running.Currently, it blows up trying to load one of 3rd party required assemblies. How do I configure SSRS to allow .NET to...
View ArticleSSRS sharepoint 1023 configuration
HiI'm not sure if this is more a sharepoint issue but I have a environment using Sharepoint 2013 where I can add a SSRS report to the the SSRS library and then if I right click on the 3 dots next to...
View ArticleHide Group Header when Detail Row has hidden data
I have a tablix where I need to hide the group header whenever the detail row does not show any details, and there are times when the detail row may have data but it will be conditionally hidden.I...
View ArticleVS2012 SQL Server 2012 CustomReportItem not shown on toolbox
Im not pretty sure posting on this forum but want to try.I have a custom report item which works fine with VS2010 and MSSQL2012.But, when i created new report project (Business Intelligence Wizard), im...
View ArticleDoes anyone know how to obtain this reference?...
I'm trying to follow the example at 'http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms345225(v=sql.110).aspx' using VS2013, and I'm afraid I'm lost. I've never done this before.Where do I find the DLL that...
View ArticleSSRS dropdown should allow null value
I have a dropdown in SSRS reports that is databound. I want this to be nullable\optional. Even if I select allow null it raises alert.I searched on lot of articles on the net which says change SP to...
View ArticleHow to link published SSRS reports onto a company wide reports portal
I am new to SQL Server Reporting Services. I have been a SQL Server DBA for over 10 years, due to budget cuts in the company we all have to expand our roles. Having said that, I have been able to...
View ArticleThe attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection...
I am getting this error when executing the .rdl file with Reportviewer in Visual Studio 2008...But the same report works fine in reporting server 2008...pls.. help me on this. Thanks in...
View ArticleSSRS how do you repeat a header row in a list?
I'm trying to repeat a row header and it's not working... I've tried following all posts and documentation. Any ideas??? Basically everything on the same row as RackID I want to repeat on the next...
View ArticleDefault for Multi-Parameter (NOT All) NOT One
Situation - i have a Report - with a Multi-Value Parameter Value = Label1 23Now - i know how i select all by default, and i know how check only let`s say 2 as default.But i need help so check only 1 +...
View ArticleAddition of rows
Hi All; Below is my expression = IIf( (Fields!Date.Value)<=(Parameters!EndDate.Value),sum( Fields!hours1.Value),0 ) which gives me the result Instead of getting this result in multiple line i...
View ArticleSSRS display empty rows
Hi,We have a simple report like the following left side, because we use group by in query, now the empty rows will not show in report.Is there any way we can show all empty items from column B as the...
View Articletablix Rowcount
Hello all,I'm trying to add a Row count for my tablix, when i preview the report, i get every record with a 1 in the count column.Here is what i have in my expression:Any ideas on how to increment the...
View Articlesubstruction in subtotals
Hi, I have a matrix report, and I would like to implement a subtraction in Total instead of SUM.ColumGroup1A(group1)B(group2)Total (Difference group2 - group1)Rowgroup1Rowgroup2Rowgroup3Rowgroup4This...
View Articlehow to make Multiple parameters to sql query string seperated by ,(comma) ..
Hi, I would like to konw how I can make multiple parameters to sql query string seperated by ,(comma) ..For example, this parameters can be printed like 'abc,dde,ggf,eeg' ,once I use...
View ArticleCan't keep column headers visible in IE browser
Hi,I've been researching this for days and have tried many things to get my tablix column headers to freeze at top of screen when I'm scrolling down in a report IN THE BROWSER. I am using Report...
View Articleadding user id to a URL
We are using a third party application with limited tools. The only way to access SSRS reports is to use a URL call. We are having difficulty with the security. There are up to a thousand users who...
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