I've been researching this for days and have tried many things to get my tablix column headers to freeze at top of screen when I'm scrolling down in a report IN THE BROWSER. I am using Report Builder 3.0 on MS Sql Server 2012 to create the report and Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8 to view the reports. The things I have tried are both in table and matrix, with a row group and without, with a column group and without, using the tablix property setting to 'keep header visible while scrolling' and also using the method of setting the tablix member properties for the static rows using tablix properties 'advance mode', clicking on static member and setting FixedDate = True, KeepWithGroup = After and RepeatOnNewPage = True and then also setting the background color of row to White.
In these tries I can always get what I need to work and show up in the Report Builder 'Preview' mode, but it never works in the browser when just running the report directly. I have tried everything I can find in the forums but still the only thing that ever happens in the browser is that the whole page just scrolls down and nothing stays frozen on top of screen (not even the report header stays let alone my matrix column headers). I can't find anything that addresses when it works in Preview mode but doesn't work in Internet Explorer. Is there a setting somewhere in the setup of reporting services that I'm missing maybe? Or something specific to the browser that I need to do?
Any help at all would be appreciated. I'm desperate. If I can't get this to work for all our reports, the users aren't going to stick with these.