SQL 2016 RTM
SQL 2016 RTM
SQL 2016 RTM
Mobile Report Builder 1.0.3836.0
I'm working on a proof of concept for a few different clients using the Mobile BI reporting capabilities in SSRS 2016. The reports run and work correctly inside of SSRS running on a desktop system. I'm trying to access the reports through the power BI app with direct connection to the SSRS server on the demo server. I'm able to connect to the SSRS server, get a list of the reports on and attempt to run them. I have one mobile report that is just using the same data set and everything runs correctly. I then create a new report and connect to backend data sources (both SSAS-Tabular and SQL). The direct connected reports fire up and work correctly on the window browser. When I attempt to run them on the droid device I get the descriptive error"an error has occurred please try again later". Review the logs reveals a single error each time that I run the report. I have turned on basic authentication and can connect to the server (both windows / droid) and see the folders and mobile report lists etc.
Log error message
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!143!06/29/2016-14:48:13:: e ERROR: [y7vfx59q]: XSRF Failed (NonceCookieNotFound)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!143!06/29/2016-14:48:13:: i INFO: [y7vfx59q]: POST /api/v1.0/CatalogItems%28d6f021ce-5eb4-41fe-8a4a-1cf96568d014%29/Model.DataSet/Model.GetData - Response 403 - 0:00:00.0008755
Is there a configuration setting somewhere that I'm missing?