I am currently using SSRS 2008R2. This is the script I am using:
DATENAME(M, a.Date)asMonth,
DATEPART(YYYY, a.Date)as YearNum,
DATEPART(M, a.Date)as MonthNum,
COUNT(*) as [Total]
FROM Database1.Table1as a
WHERE a.name='active'
GROUPBY a.name,DATENAME(month, a.Date),
DATENAME(year, a.Date),DATEPART(YYYY, a.date),DATEPART(M, a.date)
ORDERBYMonth desc;
I have created a Tablix that has the name of the product as the row group and the month as the column group. This works fine in that it gives a monthly count, but I would also like to see the monthly count expressed as a %.
My question is, how do I create another group in the Tablix so that the monthly % figure appears by each product?
From this, I would like to create a column chart that displays monthly % totals.
I am getting stuck because I have added a column to the end of my Tablix and have added this expression:
=sum(Fields!Total.Value) / Sum(Fields!Total.Value, "DataSet2") to calculate the %.
This just gives a year to date figure and appears at the end of the Tablix.
Any help much appreciated – thanks!