Creating Multiple-Column Reports, do not want id new column next . want id 2...
Report Design >>>
View ArticleHow to do SUM of Average in subtotal cell for the entire matrix
Hi, I have a matrix as shown below: Head CountJan-07Feb-07AverageDept159.0062.0060.50Dept221.0021.0021.00Total80.0083.0081.50 I am having trouble figuring out how to ADD the "Average" column to get the...
View ArticleUse ReportItems! to sum all textboxes in a tablix
Hi,Is it possible to use the built-in ReportItems collection to sum up all the values in a particular column in a tablix? For example, I have a textbox called "Balance" that appears for every row in a...
View ArticleDeployment automation for Mobile Reports (SSRS 2016)
Hi,We have a project that will require us to automate the deployment of Data Sources, Datasets and Mobile Reports to an SQL Server Reporting Services 2016 instance. I've found several examples of how...
View ArticleSSRS connecting to multiple instances with ReportServer DB?
Sorry for the noob question. I want to know if I can connect an SSRS instance to multiple SQL instances. EG:SSRSserverA with an SSRS instance installed is configured to connect to SQLServerA's SQL...
View ArticleSSRS is not subtracting negative numbers, it adds them.
=Sum(Fields!balance_due.Value)Customer Name Balance Due 1001 Bob 100.99 1002 Jim 10.95 1003 Kim -12.67 1004 Lisa 13.23 Total $137.84 It should be like this:Customer Name Balance Due 1001 Bob 100.99...
View ArticleSSRS parenthesis around negative values
Group, Still new to SSRS and expressions... however, this should be an easy one I would think. I have a column that is formated as a percent. Some values are negative -.56% . All I want to do is put...
View Articlessrs 2008 make parameter optional?
In an SSRS 2008 report, there are parameters for next school year and another parameter for current school year. The problem is there is no data for the next school year in the database until Feb....
View ArticleUnable to connect to the Report Server
Win/7 Professional SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Report Services Configuration Manager When I launch it, shows correct Server Name, but report server instance is blank. When I press FIND I get:"Unable to...
View ArticleT-SQL LIKE Expression as SSRS Perameter value?
Trying to figure out how to replace a WHERE x LIKE "y" clause in a recordsource with a parameter.Instead of switching various WHERE statements around, such as WHERE ac.number LIKE 'R% [EL][IR]-%' or...
View ArticleRemove Server Name From ReportServer Folder
In SSRS 2012, I have links to my reports which display on a page at the folder level. On this page, several things are displayed which the users have no business seeing: 1) Server name and domain...
View ArticleSSRS report repeats headers in PDF in subsequent pages but repeat headers in...
If we set the repeat headers in SSRS by following instructions it works in PDF but not in WORD 2010 .doc...
View Article"undocumented error" when adding 3rd parent level to matrix -
For SQL 2016 RTM, in both Report Builder and Report Designer, I can add a matrix using the wizard that has 3 levels on each axis. Product into Subcategory into Category on Rows and City into State into...
View ArticleTablix help please!
I am currently using SSRS 2008R2. This is the script I am using:SELECT, DATENAME(M, a.Date)asMonth, DATENAME(YEAR,a.Date)asYear, DATEPART(YYYY, a.Date)as YearNum, DATEPART(M, a.Date)as...
View ArticleCannot add a new Data Source on SSRS 2016 Web Portal
Hi,I have installed SQL Server Express 2016 and then upgraded it to Developer Edition. My problem is that I cannot create a new data source on the Web Portal. I get "An error has occurred. Something...
View ArticleSort report by totals -column
I've created an SSRS report in Report builder and I'm displaying it in SharePoint 2010.What I would need to do is to sort according to my totals -column.My report structure is as follows:The first and...
View ArticleSSRS 2012 Problem understanding View State Validation steps
Hi,***** Note I have put my question on Bold to make it easier****I am trying to Implement this solution on our systems and need help on how to set it up ?Pasted from...
View ArticleMatrix is causing page break, even though it has plenty of room
Hello - I'm working on a dashboard with several parts. One of these is a matrix. I've shrunk the matrix down so that, even when it renders, it's well within the page size. It's still causing a blank...
View ArticlePass single value or multiple value but return a list of values in SSRS 2008 r2
I have SSRS parameter @VarCode which underdoes a following transformation. =SPLIT(join(Parameters!VarCode.Value,","),",") which takes a user provided a list of values and attaches comma(,) to it and...
View ArticleDate Picker Not Showing Up when using Chrome
Hi,I have a date range parameters in my report, and when viewing it using IE and Firefox ReportViewer, the date picker is there. But when I tried running it using Chrome, the date picker was missing. I...
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