I need to design a report to get debt of receipts between two dates. The receipts have to be grouped according to the account numbers. So I have created a group
on account numbers. I also have to write down holdover of debt (the sum of receipts beginning from the first day of the report year to the start date) of account numbers.
I added a row above inside the group to display the holdover of debt. It is written only once for a group. I added another row below inside the group to display the monthly total. It is also
written down once for a group.
I have to calculate some totals, which are:
* The monthly total, is sum of debts of an account number.
* The annual total, is the sum of debts beginning from the first day of the year until the end date of the report
- I calculate this field by adding monthly total to holdover of debt on the report
* Grand total, is the sum of all debts and holdover of debts
At the end of each page, I have to write down the sum of debts and holdover of debts (cumulative total) from first record to the last record on the last page
Its design is
When I run the report, the result is
I added 2 columns to the table; one for cumulative debt, one for cumulative holdover of debt. I tried to use "RunningValue" function to calculate cumulatives and fill the colunms. I added one more column to add these cumulatives. At the footer, I thought I could write down the cumulative total by using the "Last" command and get the value from the last columns.
The "RunningValue" works fine for debts but not for holdover of debts. I was hoping it would add the holdover of debt value once for a group, but it adds the value again and again inside the group. I tried to use the "RunningValue" function with the TextBox of "Monthly Total", but it gave an error. So I when try to calculate the cumulative total at the footer, the number is wrong. Also I couldn't find a way to calculate the grand total.
Any ideas and help about calculating cumulative total at the footer and grand total will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.