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ssrs 2012/IE 11 -- Can I enable the Tool Tip to display at magnifications other than 100%?


I have a report with a stacked bar chart. I've enabled Tool Tip to display information about the series the cursor is hovering over and it works fine at 100%, but not at other magnifications.  We're currently using IE 11 as our browser and cannot use any other browser.  Is there a way to enable the Tool Tip to work at magnifications other than 100%?  My guess is "no", but it doesn't hurt to ask.


Christian Bahnsen

Send report in email from hotlink in report


I have a report generating in excel format. I have a box on the report that is amailto:addr URL link.

I have two issues.

1) when I open the report in excel the URL is not active.  If I double click the cell with the link and then clink on another cell at random the URL becomes active - I can click back on the URL cell and my email dialog box will open with the correct address.  A single click doesn't do the job, only a double click.  What's up with that???

2) I would like to open the report, review it, and then possibly send the report to the active URL.  How do I include the current sheet as an attachment to the URL I created in question 1?

Thank you.

#Error using IIF and divide by zero


I am getting an error in a calculated field that could potentially divide by zero, even though I'm using an IIF.  The column displays in the report as "#Error".  My expression looks like this:

= IIF(Fields!Qty.Value = 0,

"None", Fields!Hours.Value / Fields!Qty.Value)

I have successfully used this approach with INT fields, but this time the Hours field is a NUMERIC(9,2).  My workaround is to do this:

 IIF(Fields!Qty.Value = 0, "None", IIF(Fields!Qty.Value = 0, 42, Fields!Hours.Value) / Fields!Qty.Value)

I guess the 42 is cast to an INT inside the second IIF and the calculation works.

What's strange is that the division would even be carried out in the event of Qty = 0 from the first IIF, because the expression should just evaluate to "None" and that would be that.

Has anybody run into this problem?  Is my workaround the recommended approach?



Parameter change does not refresh default values of dependent parameters


I have a problem with my dependent multi-value parameters in my SSRS 2008 SP1 reports. The default values for the parameters are correctly loaded when the report is opened, but when a primary parameter value is changed the default values for the dependent parameters are not set. Let me describe this problem further more with an example:

Parameter 1: Region
Parameter 2: Property

Both parameters are filled each by a query to the database where the query for Property has the selected values of Region in its where clause.

Region: select Region_ID, Region_Key from Region order by SortOrder
Property: select Property_ID, Property_Key from Property where Region_ID in (@Region) order by Property_Key

For both parameters I have set the Default Values to the same dataset as selected for Available Values.

1. Now, when the report is opened, all parameters are filled with the correct values and set to the correct default values (all selected).
2. When I change the Region parameter to only one of the 4 available values the Property parameter is refreshed and filled with the correct values (for that one region) and set to the correct default values (all selected).
3. The problem occurs when I change the Region Parameter back to "(Select All)". The multi-value parameter drop-down-list Property is filled with the correct values for all 4 regions but the default values are not selected. Only those properties are (or better: remain) selected, which were selected before when only one region was selected.

Can you please help me with this problem? Setting the Property parameter to "Always refresh" under the "Advanced" properties does not solve the problem. It occurs both in the Business Intelligence Studio and then browsing the report through the web published on SSRS.


SSRS Expression throwing Error while Using Guage


Hi All, 

I am stuck into this expression showing error. Please help me.

(IIf(RunningValue(Fields!KPITitle.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) MOD 2, "#D0D8E8","#E9EDF4"))

ERROR                                                                                                                                     [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the gauge panel ‘GaugePanel’ contains an error: Attempted to divide by zero.

Abhishek Parihar BI Consultant (Please mark the post as answered if it answers your question)

SSRS Expression help

Hello Team Members,

I have a location address field in my tables.the values are like this

1234 US 285 N, TX, TX 73450
24 CR 452 Orla, TX 79770
4536 U S 285 N
4536 U S 285 N TEXAS
I Want to split these fields using , operator

1234 US 285 N = location
TX            = State
TX 73450      = Pincode


I am using above expression for these fields but am getting =Error value if the location or state or pincode fileds are not available.

Please help us anyone give me the correct expression for this 


SSRS MHTML formatting problem when using gmail



I have several reports on my SSRS report server 2008 R2. All display great and subscriptions as MHTML display great too.

But when the email is viewed on gmail report display do not keep any formatting and look out of shape.

and it is fine for outllok,mozilla,IE.

please help me to resolve this issue for gmail.


SSRS 2005 - Email report on execution to dynamic list with dynamic parameters = no schedule

   I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.

So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:

1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses.
2. Report is generated and displayed on screen.
3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.

Any tips on how to get this working?


Mark Smith

Data Source reference in rdl file



I am working in a project to get SSRS metadata dependencies and I was recommended to use the article Extracting SSRS Report RDL (XML) from the ReportServer database. This article is a really good material.

However, I still have some issues related to Data Sources. When I try to get the information from rdl file is the only valid Data Source Reference I was able to find is the Data Source name, but the Data Source is not in the same library of the report, so it should have a path and it does not have it.

<DataSources><DataSource Name="Products"><DataSourceReference>Products</DataSourceReference><rd:SecurityType>Integrated</rd:SecurityType><rd:DataSourceID>d6de0a33-9824-4f73-ad87-729c7ce2f4ce</rd:DataSourceID></DataSource></DataSources>

If I use just the name, I won't be able to differentiate two different data sources having the same name in different libraries, for example. So, how can I know wich is the right data source file using the rdl file?



Lawrence Carvalho

SSRS 2012 -- display horizontal axis at both the top and the bottom of a tall stacked bar chart?


I have a stacked bar chart that is tall. To make it easier for the users, I'd like to be able to display the horizontal axis at both the top and the bottom of the chart.  Unfortunately there's not an option for "both".

Does anyone know of a way to display the horizontal axis at both the top and bottom of a chart?

In the alternative, is there a way to display the value of a tic line when a cursor hovers over it, like a Tool Tip can display a series' value when you hover over it on the stacked bar?


Christian Bahnsen

Use ReportItems! to sum all textboxes in a tablix

Is it possible to use the built-in ReportItems collection to sum up all the values in a particular column in a tablix? For example, I have a textbox called "Balance" that appears for every row in a tablix and I'm trying to sum them all up using
but when I do I get an error:
The value expression for the textrun 'Balance1.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0] uses an aggregate function on a report item.

By the way, using:
isn't an option because I am applying an additional business rule within the report which may or may not change the value in the 'Balance' field, hence why I want to access the value of the textbox after that business rule has been applied.

Can anyone help me out?

http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jamie_thomson/ | http://jamiethomson.spaces.live.com/ | @jamiet

Cannot create data-driven subscription



I'm using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition, which I understand supports Data-driven subscriptions (DDS).

When I try and click on on the DDS button for a report I get the following message:

"Data-driven subscriptions cannot be created because the credentials used to run the report are not stored, the report is using user-defined parameter values, or if a linked report, the link is no longer valid."

1. I have set the data source to use stored credentials.

2. I'm using one simple string parameter

3. Its not a linked report

Any ideas?




How do I conditionally prevent a subreport from running?


I have been asked to modify an existing report, so I don't have the ability to totally rework the report design.  The report has 24 subreports.  We have a .net UI that runs the master report and passes to it parameters that indicate which of the 24 subreports to display in the master report.  The subreports that are not requested are hidden and this all works fine from a visual standpoint.

The problem is that all 24 subreports get run even if some or most of them are hidden in the master report.  This wouldn't be a problem (or much of a problem, anyway) if the subreports all executed quickly, but some of them take quite a long time to run.  I don't have approval to change this approach.

Is it possible to prevent a subreport from executing based on a parameter value?


Need Sorting in ascending but the result should display in a different order in SSRS Reporting


I have created an SSRS Report where the Sorting is applied in the Tablix properties for three of the fields (all set to A-Z). Each page has eight values inside text boxes. These values are followed by number of text boxes i.e., sub values.

The result now shows as below-

Africa                   Antarctica
Atlantic                 Australia
Bloomington              New Hampshire
virginia                 Washington

I want to display my results as follows -

Africa                  Bloomington
Antarctica              New Hampshire
Atlantic                virginia
Australia               Washington
Any ideas on how to achieve this? Thanks in advance.


Phantom Lines appearing in Stacked Bar/ Line combo


I am having a huge problem with some phantom lines appearing in the stack charts with line graph for the "GAIN" field when there should be one line as its being summed.

 select  DESCRIPTION as des, month(EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi) as
  MonthNo, datename(MM,EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi) [MonthName],
  year(EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi) as [Year],

  case when status = 5 then 1 end as [GAIN],
  case when status = 14 then 1 end as [LOSS],
  from ##workArea
  where EffectiveFromSettlementDateRegi >= '2016-01-01'

I have used runningvalue(Fields!GAIN.Value,sum,"Chart1_SeriesGroup")

I have also used the category, nothing, DataSet1 , i have exhausted everything , can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here. the 3 lines that appear instead of 1 appear to be the sum of the running total but no idea why they are split into three lines.

Change SSRS calender picker to choose year only


I have an SSRS report with pramaters that reflect from year to another year

and Year(BAL_DATE) between @frYEAR and @toYEAR

how can I make the calendar to just reflect the year?

SSRS 2016 Mobile reports with runtime dynamic data source


Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to change a SSRS 2016 mobile report data source at runtime?

I have seen the RDCE / "Expression-based Connection Strings" solution for modifying RDL report definitions, is there a similar approach for Mobile (ie Datazen based) reports so that when a single report is published, we can define which data source / data cube to display?


403 error: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.


When I try to view the report, I got the error "The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. ". And in the event log , I got the detaiil excception:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
Event Category: Web Event
Event ID: 1309
Date:  2007-7-16
Time:  11:28:29
User:  N/A
Computer: WEIGUANG
Event code: 3005
Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
Event time: 2007-7-16 11:28:29
Event time (UTC): 2007-7-16 3:28:29
Event ID: 3c4daa414c89430786c106f3c9085b56
Event sequence: 10
Event occurrence: 1
Event detail code: 0
Application information:
    Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/1/Root/Reports-2-128290300818412520
    Trust level: RosettaMgr
    Application Virtual Path: /Reports
    Application Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportManager\
    Machine name: WEIGUANG
Process information:
    Process ID: 4152
    Process name: w3wp.exe
Exception information:
    Exception type: WebException
    Exception message: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
Request information:
    Request URL:
    Request path: /Reports/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd
    User host address:
    User: ASIAPACIFIC\liweig
    Is authenticated: True
    Authentication Type: NTLM
    Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
Thread information:
    Thread ID: 5
    Thread account name: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
    Is impersonating: True
    Stack trace:    at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.ServerUrlRequest(Boolean isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType, String& fileNameExtension)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ServerReport.GetStyleSheet(String styleSheetName)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportServerStyleSheetOperation.PerformOperation(NameValueCollection urlQuery, HttpResponse response)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
Custom event details: For more information, see Help and Support Center at


I'm using reporting service 2005, does anybody know the reason?


Many thanks.



Decision Functions


=IIF(Fields!Status.Value ="Fail", Fields!Status.Value & "See Inspection Details", Fields!Status.Value)

When writing the following expression 

1. Status Value can be Pass or Fail

2. If Status Value = Fail

3. Field Value + String text - Fields!Status.Value & "See Inspection Details"

4. Else Pass.

With the following expression I'm only returning the Status value could I please have some advice on what is incorrect in the expression.

Thank you for the help.

Code reset


The following code sum my lines in a dataset.

'Energy 1776

Public Shared MMBTU76 as Integer=0

Public Shared Function GetMMBTU76(Item as Integer) as Integer

MMBTU76= MMBTU76 + Item

return Item/1000

End Function

Public Shared Function MMBTUTotal76()

return MMBTU76/1000

End Function

Public Shared PDMMBTU76 as Integer=0

Public Shared Function GetPDMMBTU76(Item as Integer) as Integer


return Item/1000

End Function

Public Shared Function PDMMBTUTotal76()

return PDMMBTU76/1000

End Function

When I do an autorefresh or refresh page, the code gets run again and again.  This keeps adding up the numbers.  I have tried to reset to zero, but with no luck.  That would be the MMBTU76 and PDMMBTU76 that I'm returning to screen.

Would like suggestion on how I can reset to zero when code runs a again.

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