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Cannot connect to specific Cube through BI Semantic Model for Power View in SharePoint 2013


I'm trying to create a connection to an Analysis Services Cube through a BI Semantic Model connection in SharePoint 2013 to create a Power View report. I'm able to connect to other cubes on the same server, and I have SQL Server 2012 SP1 Update 9 installed so it's not a versioning issue.

I've captured a log of two different connection attempts to show this in action. I can't post links, but just send me a message if you need it, just in case there's any interest in it. The first is a successful connection to an alternate cube on the same server, and the second is an unsuccessful attempt that produces and error with "Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred.".

On the SharePoint side, the error is reported as:

Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.AdomdTestConnectionException: Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred.

This cube was working the previous day, but it has since been edited and it no longer works now but there's no clear reason why. It can still be queried directly through SSMS with MDX queries, and produces no errors.

Any help is much appreciated,


Render method Not working in Sql server 2014 reporting service


I have migrated SQL server from 2005 to 2014 version along with the report server.

my application is rendering report file in pdf format using ReportServer reference.

so i have updated the reference also in application.

i have added new web reference in below format.

http://<Server Name>/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx

i am unable to use Render() method

SSRS 2008 R2 - Stored Procedure dataset does not show fields



I am using SSRS 2008 R2 and I have a dataset that uses Stored Procedure with dynamic SQL and it does not show me the fields and looks like I need to add them as calculated fields. Could you please let me know how?

Thanks in advance...............

SSRS. Not passing fields/parameters to report when stored procedure keeps parameters inside IF statement


So what I mean:

I have stored procedure like this:

CREATEPROCEDURE sp_Example@param1 NVARCHAR(20)='',@param2 DATE =''ASBEGINIF(SELECT COUNT(*)FROM Table1 WHERE(Name =@param1 OR@param1 ='')AND(StartDate =@param2 OR@param2 =''))>2BEGINSELECT Name, Date, Price, EtcFROM Table2WHERE(Name =@param1 OR@param1 ='')AND(StartDate =@param2 OR@param2 ='')ENDIF(SELECT COUNT(*)FROM Table1 WHERE(Name =@param1 OR@param1 ='')AND(StartDate =@param2 OR@param2 =''))<2BEGINSELECT Name, Date, Price, EtcFROM Table3WHERE(Name =@param1 OR@param1 ='')AND(StartDate =@param2 OR@param2 ='')ENDEND

So in stored procedure are some input parameters and they are passed into IF statement.

If I use this stored procedure as report's dataset (Microsoft Visual Studio 2013) in following:

Add Dataset > Query Type: Stored Procedure > sp_Example It do NOT get any fields, but get parameters

If I use this stored procedure in following:

Add Dataset > Query Type: Text > EXECUTE sp_Example It get all required fields, but do NOT get parameters

Of course If I add manually parameters or fields It not working.

If I change IF statement in stored procedure something like:

IF(1<3)BEGINSELECT Name, Date, Price, EtcFROM Table3WHERE(Name =@param1 OR@param1 ='')AND(StartDate =@param2 OR@param2 ='')END

It normally working in report (getting all fields and parameters). So problem is that I pass parameters to IF statement. Have you any ideas how to pass parameters to IF statement and get It correctly working on report?

Filters on an SSRS dataset in a reportbuilder report not working as expected


I have filters set up like this on a dataset

using the in predicate

but instead of showing all the years and all the colleges selected it just uses the first one

any ideas how to make it select multiple ?

Ie11 SSRS 2008 r2 Report manager doesnt load and show the data instead keeps loading


Ie11 SSRS 2008 r2 Report manager doesnt load and show the data instead keeps loading 

Also compatibility view is greyed out

Does parameters needs to be declared


Hi All,

I have a report that runs using a SP. Now i want to add couple of params, do i just add in the report or should i first add in the SP?


KPI not appearing in Web Poral


I have installed the latest version of SQL SERVER 2016, both database and analysis services.

On the new web portal under the "New" button, I have Folder, paginated report, Dataset and Datasource. However KPI is not in the list.

Is there something else I need to install in order for it to appear?

SSRS Report Properties Code


I am using the below Code to bring back any number that start with SS, if they are Null or do not start with SS I would like to bring back N .  I am having trouble with the, or SSNumber <> "SS*".

public function SSNumberPicker(SSNumber as String)as String

if SSNumber is System.DBNull.Value or SSNumber =  ""or SSNumber <> "SS*" then




end if

end function

Thank you



SSRS 2016 Mobile Reports won't render on mobile device


SQL 2016 RTM

SQL 2016 RTM


SQL 2016 RTM

Mobile Report Builder 1.0.3836.0

I'm working on a proof of concept for a few different clients using the Mobile BI reporting capabilities in SSRS 2016. The reports run and work correctly inside of SSRS running on a desktop system. I'm trying to access the reports through the power BI app with direct connection to the SSRS server on the demo server. I'm able to connect to the SSRS server, get a list of the reports on and attempt to run them.  I have one mobile report that is just using the same data set and everything runs correctly.  I then create a new report and connect to backend data sources (both SSAS-Tabular and SQL).  The direct connected reports fire up and work correctly on the window browser.  When I attempt to run them on the droid device I get the descriptive error"an error has occurred please try again later".  Review the logs reveals a single error each time that I run the report.  I have turned on basic authentication and can connect to the server (both windows / droid) and see the folders and mobile report lists etc.

Log error message

Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!143!06/29/2016-14:48:13:: e ERROR: [y7vfx59q]: XSRF Failed (NonceCookieNotFound)
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!143!06/29/2016-14:48:13:: i INFO: [y7vfx59q]: POST /api/v1.0/CatalogItems%28d6f021ce-5eb4-41fe-8a4a-1cf96568d014%29/Model.DataSet/Model.GetData - Response 403 - 0:00:00.0008755

Is there a configuration setting somewhere that I'm missing?

SSRS report running very slow but query is very fast in SSMS


I am running a very basic report. I am just retrieving some data from a table and I am using a parameter in the Where clause of the query. The query runs fast (in less than 5 secs) if I hardcode the parameter in the SSRS query but if it's left as a dynamically chosen parameter the query takes over 5 minutes to render. I have read a little about "Parameter Sniffing" but I am not sure if that applies to my case since I am only using a TSQL query and not a SP.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

PS: My query looks like below:

Select Col1, Count(*)
From Tbl1
Where Col2 = @Para1
Group By Col1


set chart area background color based on x-axis and Y-axis value


I am creating a report that shows a scatter chart. I want to set the chart area in three colors based on x axis and y axis value.

x-axis-1 to 10

y axis-1 to 10

area between  x axis value 0 to <=5 and y axis 0 to <=5 set to pink

area between x axis value >5 to <=10 and y axis >5 to <=10 set to green.

strange results


Good Morning All,

I have a report which is fired from a procedure. The parameter is @StartDate and i'm getting the exact values until July4th, from July 5th going forward when i click , i'm getting all the records instead of the selected date. 

Any idea where should i start looking into?

I have the following where clause in my SP

where convert(date,rs.[StartDate]) = convert(date,(@StartDate))


Multi Language Reports ssrs


hi ,

Is there any way i can do to shoe the report in different language?

Supppose i have to show the report in French in France, how am i supposed to do it?

and what if i have to show the report in Frech in USA?

Please help.


Language differences in server report and user report in SSRS


My SSRS report's lanuage  property is set to 'English'.  the currency field in report  is formatted so that the value will display  something like this 393,7865.
 One of my user is in Germany and his computer is in german, when he exports the report  to excel the currency field takes the value in german format and display as 393.7865(  see the diiference. How do i handle this. can i use the language propery set up for this. What should be the value given for that.

Please help me.




I created an SSRS report that has 2 row groups and 2 column groups. I need to divide each Child Column Group total by the Parent Column Group total, see below. I tried the following expression within the child column group =count(fields!id.value) / count(fields!id.value,"ParentRowGroup"), but this gives me the percent of each Child Column Group total by the Parent Row Group  total.  I also tried =count(fields!id.value) / count(fields!id.value,"ParentRowGroup","ParentColumnGroup"), but I got an error that basically says "text box has an expression with an invalid recursive/simple flag".  What I need to do is something like the following.

How do I get the below percentages?

Parent Row Group Total    Parent Column Group Total

                                                                         Child Column    % of Parent Column    Child Column     % of Parent Column

                                                                         Group 1 Total   Group Total                Group 2 Total     Group Total

4,756                              2,798                           956                 34.17%                      1,842                65.83%

Disabe subscriptions Reporting Services backend (SQL Server 2008r2)



I have a large number of reports in SSRS (SQL Server 2008r2) that I need to disable. Is there another way besides going to the front end to update the end date of the reports to stop them from running?


SSRS 2016 with SSL Prompting for Credentials


I have a test server set up with SQL Server 2016 and SSRS 2016.  I have the SSRS instance in native mode set up with SSL.    Whenever I go to the Web Portal URL or the Report Server URL, I get prompted for my credentials.  I have verified that the rsReportServer.config file has only <RSWindowsNTLM/> for the AuthenticationType.  The SSRS instance is in the domain and the non-SSL URLS do not prompt for credentials.  I have tried Kerberos by having the SPNS created for the SSL URLs and adding  <RSWindowsNegotiate/>. This doesn't work either.  I don't see any errors in the log files either.

I have scoured posts about SSL and SSRS and the settings for the rsReportServer.config file.  I am sure I am just missing something.  Can someone give advice?  

Thanks in advance.


SSRS count row values



I have a row group on my report, and I want to count all rows where the value is > 0. The sample is per teh below:

The row I am interested in the SS totals. In the example above, 17 is the number of different users , 11 should be the count of all stores with values > 0. The 0.65 is a percentage, i.e 11/17.

I am using an expression in my matrix row to fine total stores with sticks (=countdistinct(Fields!avail_stick.Value))

Please assist

Mobile Reports - how to extract SQL Statements used by mobile reports from reporting database?


The below query can extract SQL used in SSRS 2008 reports. Anything like this available for SQL2016 mobile reports?



     (DEFAULT 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition' 
      AS rd) 
    (SELECT RPT.ReportPath 
           ,R.RptNode.value('(./Query/DataSourceName)[1]', 'nvarchar(425)') AS DataSourceName 
           ,R.RptNode.value('@Name[1]', 'nvarchar(425)') AS DataSetName 
           ,REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM((R.RptNode.value('(./Query/CommandText)[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)')))  
                    ,'&gt;', '>') 
                    ,'&lt;', '<') 
            AS CommandText 
     FROM (SELECT RPT.Path AS ReportPath 
                 ,RPT.name AS ReportName 
                 ,CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), RPT.content)) AS contentXML 
           FROM ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS RPT 
           WHERE RPT.Type = 2 
         ) AS RPT 
     CROSS APPLY RPT.contentXML.nodes(''/Report/DataSets/DataSet'') AS R(RptNode) 
SELECT DEF.ReportPath 

ORDER BY DEF.ReportPath 

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