I'm trying to create a connection to an Analysis Services Cube through a BI Semantic Model connection in SharePoint 2013 to create a Power View report. I'm able to connect to other cubes on the same server, and I have SQL Server 2012 SP1 Update 9 installed so it's not a versioning issue.
I've captured a log of two different connection attempts to show this in action. I can't post links, but just send me a message if you need it, just in case there's any interest in it. The first is a successful connection to an alternate cube on the same server, and the second is an unsuccessful attempt that produces and error with "Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred.".
On the SharePoint side, the error is reported as:
Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.AdomdTestConnectionException: Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred.
This cube was working the previous day, but it has since been edited and it no longer works now but there's no clear reason why. It can still be queried directly through SSMS with MDX queries, and produces no errors.
Any help is much appreciated,