Struggling with displaying data as I would like, I thought using column groups was the best way but as soon as I came up against a group which had more than one activity I realised it created the same number of columns as the examples below show.
I would like 12, 12 and 17 to display as one column with a heading "Holiday", I thought I was on the right track with Illness and Emergency however it turned out they each only had one activity so only displayed one column.
The table layout is as follows
I was using column groups as I then applied a filter to each as follows
=IIF(InStr("," & Join(Parameters!Holiday.Value,",") & "," , "," & Fields!Activity.Value & "," ) > 0 , true, false)
The parameter holiday looks like this
Dataset with example data is as follows
,SUM(Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.ChargeableMinutes) AS Sum_ChargeableMinutes
,SUM(Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.NonChargeableMinutes) AS Sum_NonChargeableMinutes
,SUM(Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.ChargeableAmount) AS Sum_ChargeableAmount
,SUM(Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.NonChargeableAmount) AS Sum_NonChargeableAmount
INNER JOIN Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y
ON Practice.ibvStaffCategorisation.StaffInternalId = Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.StaffInternalId
Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.[Year] = @Year
AND Practice.ibvStaffTotalsCL2Y.Period <= @Period
Practice.ibvStaffCategorisation.StaffId Asc
Not sure what I am after can be done, the way I am trying it.
I did think of adding a calculated field to create in the example of Holiday activities 11, 12 and 17 as a group called Holiday, Illness activities 24 and 12 as a group called Illness, then I could add a single column group based on the new calculated field? Unfortunately my knowledge of these is very little.
Can anyone shed any light on the above, offer any advice?
Cheers Chris