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Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2014.

Where can I find the install for 'Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2014.' I need it for report client 2015.

Certified Geek

Bar chart problem


Hi Guys,

I have this question. I have to develop a bar chart as shown below using the numbers.

The above chart is developed using Excel. But I cannot find a way to do this in SSRS.

What should I put for Category and Series options? I have currently put all 4 values to the Values section. This only gives 4 bars all close together and no spaces like the above excel chart. It does not have the x axis lables too.

Any help on this guys?



KPIs and Sub-KPIs


In Datazen we have the ability to create sub KPIs. I see no such functionality in the new migrated mobile BI in SSRS.

Are we able to create sub-KPI's?


I got a subscription to 365 from work so how do i transfer my stuff to the new subscription and stop paying for mine?

I got a subscription to 365 from work so how do i transfer my stuff to the new subscription and stop paying for mine?

Report mobile builder não reconhece campos do tipo DATA importados do analytics


My company used the Datazen to build some dashboards some time . Just upgrade SQL Server to the 2016 version but we have a problem .
When importing the Dataset for mobilebuilder it does not recognize the fields of date type , as modified mascara field in analysis to various formats but even so it does not recognize .

Someone had the same problem ? You know what can be ?

Report Builder: Row groups differently displayed - why?


I have created a dataset querying my web log:


The matrix wizard creates a matrix with three row groups:

Looking at the preview I noticed that the [url] column is hidden when collapsed while the [query] column isnot hidden when collapsed.

Why?? What's causing the difference?

Still people out there alive using the keyboard?

Working with SQL Server/Office and their poor keyboard support they seem extinct...

SSRS 2008 R2 - Sharepoint list item hyperlink bug?


I have created a report based on a sharepoint list and I am using a subscription in WSS 3.0 to email the report to the users once a week. I want one column in the report to act as a hyperlink to the sharepoint list item but in the email version of the report, the URL has the list item ID repeated twice, which renders the link invalid.

Initially, I tried using the 'Encoded Absolute URL' from the sharepoint list query to populate the hyperlink but this just gives a 404 NOT FOUND error and I have found documented in several places on the web that this link only works with document libraries. So instead, I decided to create the URL for the action using an expression, like this:

="http://myserver/mysite/Lists/mylist/DispForm.aspx?ID="& ListItemID.Value

This works perfectly in the development environment and when people run the report for themselves in the sharepoint document library where it is deployed but, for some reason, if I send the report on a schedule then I get the ID parameter repeated at the end twice. Like this:


I have tried rendering the report in several different formats (Word, PDF, MHTML, HTML) and they all seem to work fine in the development and when run within SharePoint but not when they are rendered and emailed using the scheduler.

Is this a bug or am I missing something? Any ideas as to how this can be resolved?

ssrs- Draw a diagonal line in a chart

I have a scatter chart.I have to compare the itemsold with the
profit made for each product
Horizontal axis: Itemsold(in numbers)(1,2,3,4,5) interval=1
Vertical axis: Profit(in lakhs)(1,2,3,4,5) interval=1


Values : Profit

Category Group: Itemsold

series: Product

I need to draw a diagonal line in the chart from (1,1) to (5,5).
Please help me to achieve this.

set default deployment configuration


Hi eb

How can I set specifically the default deployment configuration in SSDT that will be in control unless I chose otherwise?

Using VS 2015 (SSDT for sql server 2016) I have dev,debug and release configurations but the Release one 

takes control over the SSDT every time i look the other way...

Am I missing something??



Deleting Data sources in SSMS


How can I delete data sources manually in SSMS?

When I converted from 2012 SSRS the converted data sources can't be modified - the edit screen doesn't open. New data sources can be created. Since I have a lot of reports I don't want to change the data source on each report I want to delete the converted data sources and make new data sources with the same names.

SSRS 2016 RTM: Server error in ReportServer Application for non-Admins.


We installed SQL Server 2016 this week, and migrating reports from older versions onto the new SSRS instance.

We segregate reports/datasets into folders and then assign certain users to access each folder. As an Administrator, I can use Report Manager to navigate the folders and execute any of the reports successfully. I can also navigate the reportserver URL successfully at http:<server>/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?<report>.

I've assigned a non-admin user as a Browser on the Home directory. That user can log into Report Manager and navigate the folder structure, but when trying to run a report it gets an error in the reportserver application (shown below). The same user gets the same error in navigating to the reportserver URL (listed above).

Server Error in '/ReportServer' Application.

Access is denied.

Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. The server may not be configured for access to the requested URL. 

Error message 401.2.: Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration.  Verify that you have permission to view this directory or page based on the credentials you supplied and the authentication methods enabled on the Web server.  Contact the Web server's administrator for additional assistance.

I've set SSRS logging to level 4 in ReportingServicesService.exe, but haven't found anything helpful to me in the resulting logging:

rshost!rshost!18d4!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: AcceptCallback(): accepted new connection pipeline=0x000000E3180A1B90...
rshost!rshost!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: ThreadContinuePipeline: processing request on pipeline=0x000000E3180A1B90, state=0, IOError=0, node=0.
rshost!rshost!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: Processing request pipeline=0x000000E3180A1B90, callback=0x180a2620, callback->pipeline=0x000000E3180A1B90, id=18086456109962363304, connid=18086456109425492386 ...
webserver!ReportServer_0-1!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: Logging usage IP:, Username: {Domain}\scottlyons
runningrequests!ReportServer_0-1!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: User map'<Users><User><Name>{Domain}\scottlyons</Name><Paths><Path>http://{Server}/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?{Report}&amp;rc:showbackbutton=true</Path><NrReq>1</NrReq></Paths></User></Users>'
library!ReportServer_0-1!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction(/{Report}).
appdomainmanager!DefaultDomain!1bf4!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: GetAppDomainId for AppDomain type 'WindowsService' found AppDomain 2
servicecontroller!DefaultDomain!1bf4!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: ServiceAppDomainController::ServiceMaintenanceInternal - Mark the WindowsService (worker) AppDomain as active.
servicecontroller!DefaultDomain!1bf4!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: ServiceAppDomainController::MarkProcessAsActive - Mark the WindowsService (worker) AppDomain as active.
library!ReportServer_0-1!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: i INFO: Call to GetItemTypeAction completed. Returns 2.
rshost!rshost!1a08!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: HttpPipelineCallback::EndOfRequest(): continue pipeline=0x000000E3180A1B90.
rshost!rshost!18d4!06/29/2016-18:13:07:: v VERBOSE: ThreadContinuePipeline: processing request on pipeline=0x000000E3180A1B90, state=2, IOError=0, node=0.
appdomainmanager!DefaultDomain!1bf4!06/29/2016-18:13:08:: v VERBOSE: GetAppDomainId for AppDomain type 'WindowsService' found AppDomain 2
servicecontroller!DefaultDomain!1bf4!06/29/2016-18:13:08:: v VERBOSE: ServiceAppDomainController::ServiceMaintenanceInternal - Mark the WindowsService (worker) AppDomain as active.
servicecontroller!DefaultDomain!1bf4!06/29/2016-18:13:08:: v VERBOSE: ServiceAppDomainController::MarkProcessAsActive - Mark the WindowsService (worker) AppDomain as active.

My Reporting Services configuration is set to use the Virtual Service Account.

If I add the Browser user to the local Administrators group on the server, then the reports execute successfully. Remove it, they fail again.

I appreciate any and all help as I've gone in circles for a long time on this! Hoping there's a file system file with bad permissions or something simple to fix. Are there any suggestions?

SSRS Reports URL Change


OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
SSRS: SQL Server 2014

I'm trying to configure our report server so that users can type in a simple keyword in their browser and get redirected to ReportManager. Currently, you'd have to type in the following to get to the report manager:


But I want them to be able to type in the following to get to the report environment:


I've set up a DNS re-direct and I can get to report manager if I use:


But I want to be able to have the service default to the reports vir. dir. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

EDIT: A somewhat crude workaround is installing IIS and set the HTTP redirect to the new destination. I'm not a huge fan of this as I can't seem to find a redirect option for SSRS. Does anyone know how to do this?

Can SSRS select printer and tray for a report?

My question is simply how would i get the report i created to default to a certian printer and tray as we have a few reports we want printing to diffrent trays as we have the stock loaded for each report in the corrispoding tray.

SSRS show trend chart by up and down arrow over column chart per series groups

chart data

Values- No of Itemsold


Series -Year(2013,2014,2015,2016)

I have to show the trend of the item sold for each group by a up and down arrow.
Let say item sold for ProductA in year 2013 is 15,2014 is 18,2015 is 20 and 2016 is 23.So I have to display a up arrow for this case.
Similarly I have to do the same for all the products.

Can not see Email option in Delivery Extension + SSRS + SharePoint Integrated

Pivot table for Box Plot Chart data



I have a table that I need to create a box plot chart.  The data contains percentage columns with range 0..100.  Sample table is as follows (I'm cutting the percentage to 5 columns only here as an illustration.):

  HUCCODE nvarchar(8),
  Name nvarchar(255),
  Prediction nvarchar(255),
  [P0] [decimal](18, 6) NULL,
    [P1] [decimal](18, 6) NULL,
    [P2] [decimal](18, 6) NULL,
    [P3] [decimal](18, 6) NULL,
    [P4] [decimal](18, 6) NULL

 HUCCODE, Name, Prediction,
 P0, P1, P2, P3, P4
('10040201', 'Cropland', 'Sediment',   0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100),
('10040201', 'Cropland', 'Nitrogen', 0.001000,    0.001000,    0.001000,    0.001000,    0.001000),
('10040201', 'Cropland', 'Phosphorus',    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000),
('10040201', 'Cropland', 'WYLD',    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.010000,    0.010000,    0.010000),
('10040201', 'Forest', 'Sediment',   0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100),
('10040201', 'Forest', 'Nitrogen', 0.001000,    0.001000,    0.001000,    0.001000,    0.001000),
('10040201', 'Forest', 'Phosphorus',    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000),
('10040201', 'Forest', 'WYLD',    0.010000,    0.010000,    0.010000,    0.010000,    0.010000),
('10040201', 'Pasture', 'Sediment',   NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL),
('10040201', 'Pasture', 'Nitrogen',    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL),
('10040201', 'Pasture', 'Phosphorus',       NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL),
('10040201', 'Pasture', 'WYLD',       NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL,    NULL),
('10040201', 'Rangeland', 'Sediment',   0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100,    0.000100),
('10040201', 'Rangeland', 'Nitrogen',    0.001000,    0.001000,    0.004000,    0.006000,    0.009000),
('10040201', 'Rangeland', 'Phosphorus',       0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000,    0.000000),
('10040201', 'Rangeland', 'WYLD',       0.000000,    0.020000,    0.090000,    0.170000,    0.280000),
('10040201', 'Urban', 'Sediment',   0.050000,    0.050000,    0.060000,    0.060000,    0.060000),
('10040201', 'Urban', 'Nitrogen',    2.480000,    2.766000,    3.209000,    3.327000,    3.378000),
('10040201', 'Urban', 'Phosphorus',       0.078000,    0.095000,    0.099000,    0.099000,    0.102000),
('10040201', 'Urban', 'WYLD',       21.710000,    22.660000,    25.150000,    25.750000,    26.130000)

My desired result is as follows:

HUCCODE      Name          PctCol          Sediment      Nitrogen      Phosphorus      WYLD
10040201    Cropland       P0               0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.000000    
10040201    Cropland       P1               0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.000000    
10040201    Cropland       P2              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000    
10040201    Cropland       P3              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000    
10040201    Cropland       P4              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000
10040201    Forest           P0              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000
10040201    Forest           P1              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000
10040201    Forest           P2              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000
10040201    Forest           P3              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000
10040201    Forest           P4              0.000100    0.001000    0.000000    0.010000

I tried following some of the samples suggested here but I can't get this to work.

Appreciate any help.

Marilyn Gambone

Limiting users to see only their own data


I have a reporting working and I want to verify that there is no way to get around my security block.  I describe what I did and want to see if I am naively relying on obfuscation for security.

I have a report that shows data for various users. There is a PersonID parameter that filters to only the rows related to that PersonID.  It is designed with a drop down so that the user can select any Person in the system and it will show data for that Person.  I needed to lock the report so that only administrators can select any Person; other users will only see their own data.  I deploy the report and then create a linked report that has some parameters set differently.  The Admin report is only available to admins and the other is made available to any user.

The first thing I did was to create an internal parameter "ReportType" with values A for Admin and U for Users.  I set the default to U.

The data set for the list of users includes this in the where clause:

Where @ReportType = 'A'
OR UserName = @UserID

I then map the @UserID query parameter to the UserID global object.

I deployed the report (call that the User Report).  Then I created a linked report (the Admin Report).  In that linked Admin report, I set the default for ReportType to A (admin).  I set the permissions so that any user had access to the main User report and only admins had access to the linked Admin report. 

I then tried taking a couple URLs that access the User Report and edited the URLs to try to change the user parameter that limits the rows shown to a different user, a user other than myself.  It failed as I had hoped.  I tried changing the ReportType in the URL and I got a security error (as hoped).

My question.  What ways could test whether I have blocked non-admin users from seeing other users data?

Russel Loski, MCSE Data Platform/Business Intelligence Twitter: @sqlmovers; blog: www.sqlmovers.com

SQL Concatenated Date and Year


Hello guys,

I am newbie in this field and I have one question.

In database I have column "Month" like - Jan, Feb, Mar.... and Column "Year" like 2014, 2015, 2016....

Now, I would like to create a new column where I am going to concatenated "Month" & "Year".

e.g. for Jan and 2015, I need ---> 1/1/2015 

      for  Jun and 2016 ---> 6/1/2016 (1st Jun 2016) and so on and so forth.

Thank you in advance.

Using Parameters in DMX


Hi, I'm trying to generate a report on a DMX query I have created and I would like to pass a parameter into a DMX query containing an OPENQUERY statement.  Currently I just do the following:


...OPENQUERY([data source],'SELECT ''@CompanyName'' AS [CompanyName]')...


It does not pass the parameter through though...  my query always returns no results!  Could anyone help please?  Thanks!



How do I remove repeating rows in SSRS Report


SSRS report has a 'textbox' with expression(shown below) inside the report body and inside a 'List'. Note that the fields are not part of any tables. These values are hardcoded in the expression.

=IIF(Fields!contact_list.Value="25",(IIF(Fields!Category.Value="college","Two-year Colleges", "System") ),IIF(Fields!contact_list.Value="71","System Continuing Offices",(IIF(Fields!contact_list.Value="51","Free Colleges and Universities", "Unknown Pool"))))

I need to remove the repeating rows which is coming from the above expression. Example: Currently, 

    Sub Header 1

    Sub Header 2

    Sub Header 3

**Two-year Colleges**
    Sub Header 7

**Two-year Colleges**
    Sub Header 8

Expected result:

    Sub Header 1

    Sub Header 2

    Sub Header 3

**Two-year Colleges**
    Sub Header 7

    Sub Header 8

How do I avoid not displaying the repeated rows?? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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