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SSRS 2016 Mobile Reports / Passing Parameters via URL



I know that this topic might have been discussed before as in the below link which indicates that this feature doesnot currently exist inSSRS 2016 Mobile Reports:

How to pass a parameter to ssrs 2016 mobile reports

Also, I want to make sure that the below feature is only valid for Paginated Reports and not forMobile Reports:

URL Access (SSRS)

The reason for that, is that we have a project that depends on passing parameters to a report through URL, so the whole project depends on the availability  of this feature. So, if this feature does not officially exist inSSRS 2016 Mobile Reports, then I have to return back with this official statement from Microsoft to management in my organization in order to take the appropriate decision regarding this project...

Please advise... 


URL to run mobile report

Multiple Value Parameters


Hello Everyone,

I'm using a sp to create a report using report builder 3.0. I have start and end dates as parameters. Now i added city as a new parameter. It works fine, but i want it as a drop down selection. In the code  i added the following after the WHERE clause.

AND City IN (@City).

In the report builder in the parameter properties i selected "Allow Multiple Values" and in "Available Value" selected the dataset and select the SP and when i run the report i'm getting the following error

 The report parameter ‘City’ has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter “City”. Forward dependencies are not valid.

How can i select multiple values? Please need help.


Default NULL parameter


Good Afternoon gurus,

I know we can leave a parameter with a default value, but is there an option where the customer can uncheck the NULL and select from the drop down?


[SSRS 2016] What is in store for the .net "Local Mode"

I have a lot of projects that use the rdlc type of reports to be rendered in local mode. I've installed the new Data Tools for Visual Studio 2015 Preview but I can't get ReportViewer new version or a new rdlc template for 2016 version.

Does the 2016 version still support the local mode reports with the new layout and features ??


Convert Number to Words in SSRS 2008

Hi All,

As  in the Title I want To expand a formated  number into Words in ssrs 

for example 

55,188.87 =Fifty Five Thousands One Hundred Eighty-Eight Euro And 78 Cents 

such as  currency is returned from Query named CurrencyCode and the Number named Amount 

this is my Query 
SELECT        VoucherCode, CultureID, ReceiverBankAccount, TypeName, ProgramName, projectName, CurrencyCode, VoucherStatus, ReceiptAmount, TypeID, VoucherID,
                         VoucherDate, ReceiptMethodName, ReceiverBankName, ReceiverOrganizationName, programcode, ProgramDescription, AmountFROM            vw_VoucherWHERE        (CultureID = @CultureID) AND (TypeID = 2) AND (VoucherID = @VoucherID)

I searched the net and I found  a custom Code 
SHARED suffixes ASString() = _
{"Thousand ", "Million ", "Billion ", "Trillion ", _"Quadrillion ", "Quintillion ", "Sextillion "}SHARED units ASString() = _
{"","One ", "Two ", "Three ", "Four ", "Five ", _"Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine "}SHARED tens ASString() = _
{"Twenty ", "Thirty ", "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", _"Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety "}SHARED digits ASString() = _
{"Ten ","Eleven ", "Twelve ", "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ", _"Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ", "Eighteen ", "Nineteen"}SHARED expr ASNEW _
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^-?\d+(\.\d{2})?$", _
System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.None)PublicFunction ExpandPrice(Price ASDouble, Optional pSeparator ASString = ".") ASStringDim pPrice AsString
pPrice = FORMAT(Price,"##############.00")Dim temp ASNew System.Text.StringBuilder()IfNot expr.IsMatch(pPrice) Then' temp.Append(pPrice) or whatever you want to do here ElseDim parts ASString() = pPrice.Split(pSeparator)Dim dollars ASString = parts(0)Dim cents ASString = parts(1)IfCDbl(dollars) > 1 Then
 temp.Append(ExpandIntegerNumber(dollars) & "Dollars ")IfCInt(cents) > 0 Then
 temp.Append("And ")EndIfElseIfCDbl(dollars) = 0 Then
 temp.Append(ExpandIntegerNumber(dollars) & "Zero Dollars ")IfCInt(cents) >= 0 Then
 temp.Append("And ")EndIfElseIfCDbl(dollars) = 1 Then

temp.Append(ExpandIntegerNumber(dollars) & "Dollar " )EndIfIfCDbl(cents) > 1 Then

temp.Append(ExpandIntegerNumber(cents) & "Cents")ElseIfCDbl(cents) = 0 Then

temp.Append(ExpandIntegerNumber(cents) & "Zero Cents ")ElseIfCDbl(cents) = 1 Then

temp.Append(ExpandIntegerNumber(cents) & "Cent " )EndIfEndIfRETURN temp.ToString()EndFunctionFunction ExpandIntegerNumber(pNumberStr ASString) ASStringDim temp2 ASNew System.Text.StringBuilder()Dim number ASString = _

StrDup(3 - Len(pNumberStr) Mod 3, "0") & pNumberStrDim i ASInteger, j ASInteger = -1Dim numPart ASStringFor i = Len(number) - 2 To 1 Step -3

numPart = Mid(number, i, 3)

IfClng(numPart > 0) ThenIf j > -1 Then




j += 1

NextRETURN temp2.ToString()EndFunctionFunction GetNumberUnder1000Str(pNumber ASString) ASStringDim temp1 ASNew System.Text.StringBuilder()If Len(pNumber) = 3 ThenIfCLng(Left(pNumber, 1)) > 0 Then

temp1.Append(GetNumberUnder100Str(Left(pNumber, 1)) & "Hundred ")EndIfEndIf

temp1.Append(GetNumberUnder100Str(Right("0"& pNumber, 2)))RETURN temp1.ToString()EndFunctionFunction GetNumberUnder100Str(pNumber ASString) ASStringIf pNumber > 19 ThenRETURN tens(Left(pNumber, 1) - 2) & units(Right(pNumber, 1))ElseIF pNumber >= 10 and pNumber <= 19 ThenRETURN digits(Right(pNumber, 1))ElseRETURN units(Right(pNumber, 1))EndIfEndFunction

but  it does not work for me, every time I Preview the Report it said  that there is error in custom  code line 75

Where is the problem !!! 

SSRS 2016 Mobile Reports Security



I've been testing the new Report Manger (Reports_Preview)  and have noticed what I believe are some anomalies with the security settings. Please bare with me as I don't have a great deal of experience with SSRS.

First, the builtin Browser Role is not sufficient to allow access to the new 'Mobile Reports'. In my testing I have found the following Tasks the bare minimum (I created custom Roles each with only one Task to test to the lowest level of granularity):

Home: Manage Reports Only
Data Sources: None
Datasets:  Consume Reports, View Reports Only
Reports (Directory in which Mobile Reports reside):  View Resources Only

In my view there seems to be a lack of clarity as to what a Mobile Report is classed as, is it either a Report or a Resource?
It appears to require the View and Consume Reports Tasks to access the datasets but will only appear if View Resources is granted. 

More importantly, however, it seems that (after a non exhaustive test)  the Manage Reports Task is required in the Home directory; I presume this isn't the intended result, is it?

Lastly, I have a few questions:
1) Is anybody else able to reproduce the security anomalies mentioned above?
2) Can somebody please explain what, if anything I've done wrong?
3) If I haven't and assuming the current requirements are not correct, what are the indented security settings?
4) Are there going to be new builtin Roles and or Tasks specifically for Mobile Reports?

Many thanks,

How to hide a specific row based on a condition in SSRS tablix after you have made the row blank using status flag |SSRS 2008 or SSRS 2014


I have a report shown as above which shows 3 records with 1 blank record which I am hiding based activestatusflag.

This is causing a blank row to appear highlighted in yellow and I want to get rid of this .

Hence please let me know how would you able to achieve this.

Note: IIF(lcase(Fields!activestatusflag.Value)="inactive","",Fields!column1.Value) for each columns in a row to hide the row.

SSRS Matrix - Sorting



can somebody explain me how to properly sort "[Arrivals] group" by Count(SearchDate)] for particular "Departure" in this Matrix?

I tried this fx in Row Group Sorting Properities, but it didn't work.


Then I tried specify which column I would like to sort, but same problem.

=Count(IIF(Fields!Departures.Value = "PRG", 1, 0))

After deeper inspection I found that I am able to sort "[Arrivals] group" only by [Count(SearchDate)] but not grouped for particular "Departure".

Thank you very much for your help, Petr.

Time Out while Exporting Data to Excel in SSRS


I have a particular report, where report gets generated within 15 seconds with nearly 480 pages.

But when i try to export this report to excel it gets timed out after 2 minutes. I've tried this few times and every time it took 2 minutes to time out.

Can any one advise me how to change this default time? I want increase this time more so that SSRS get some more time to export the data into excel.

OR else is there any other solution of this problem( i.e. Is there any configuration settings for this purpose that can be changed in order to resolve this problem )?


How to convert number to time format(HH:MM:SS) in ssrs



I tried this expression its worked

=Format(DateAdd("s", Fields!MySecondsField.Value, "00:00:00"), "HH:mm:ss")

But my problem is,

I want to calculate the total time,i did like this

got error like #Error

=sum(Format(DateAdd("s", Fields!MySecondsField.Value, "00:00:00"), "HH:mm:ss"))

is it right way?

can any one help me?

Wildcard SSL cert issue on SSRS 2014 (Windows Server 2012R2)



I'm trying to get a wildcard certificate (which is installed in the Local Computer-Personal store) to work with SSRS 2014 Native mode.

When trying to bind in the SSRS Config tool I get the error:

Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.WMIProviderException: The SSL certificate is not trusted.
 ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040241): TabletPC inking error code. The property was not found, or supported by the recognizer (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040241)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.RSWmiAdmin.ThrowOnError(ManagementBaseObject mo)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.RSWmiAdmin.CreateSSLCertificateBinding(String application, String certificateHash, String ipAddress, Int32 port)
   at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.CreateSSLCertificateBinding(UrlApplication app, String certificateHash, String ipAddress, Int32 port)

The SSL certificate is from Comodo and it does have a private key.

Viewing the certificate in the store on the General tab it says "Windows does not have enough information to verify this certificate" and on the Certification Path Tab it says  "The issuer of this certificate could not be found" - are these hints to why it is not trusted by SSRS?

KPI Description - Line feed/carriage return/end of line


When clicked on a KPI tile, the Carriage Return/ Line Feed/ End of Line disappears from the description text.

It displays correctly, when clicked on the ellipses (...) on KPI tile. 

Any cheat/workaround?



I can't seem to get an expression to divide correctly.

My code is:

=(Sum(IIF(Asc(Fields!SOP_Type.Value) = 82,(-Fields!Unit_Price.Value),(Fields!Unit_Price.Value)))) / (Count(Fields!SOP_Type.Value))-((Count(IIF(Asc(Fields!SOP_Type.Value) = 82,(Fields!SOP_Type.Value),Nothing)))*2)

Basically the first part gives me a number, and in a box by itself works correctly, giving me the number 270.7. The second part correctly gives me another number, 54, and it works by itself in a box as well. I have gone through and made sure that both these number are correct. The problem i'm having is that when I put both of these expressions into a single text box and divide them I get the wrong quotient.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.

Hide or Disable "Delete" under item menu in SSRS



I m using SQL 2008 R2 SP1.

In SSRS Report Manager page, I want to disable / hide / deny "Delete" under item menu (Folder/Report Menu).

Pls let me know for the same.



Need help - want to minimize a column not make it invisible


Hi Guys,

I am quite new to SSRS and am mostly learning as i go along.

I have a basic report comprising of 'host server' and 'database name',, just two columns, host can have many databases.

I can group host so it shows all databases for it, but I want to be able to collapse the database column because if i don't collapse the database column i literally have hundreds of pages, but i cant seem to figure out how to do this, making it 'not visible' isn't helping because that literally just hides the text, the column remains the same size

I cant find any tutorials on how to do this simple function. . I don't want the database details to simply be invisible i want them to collapse and be able to be maximized when needed per host.

Audio Alerts on Reports

I'd like to add some custom code or add-on that will play an audio file when certain criteria are met.

I've got a heads up display that uses a report from ssrs, it refreshes every 30 seconds and is displayed in a control room that has several other displays with countless peices of information. The user may not notice the big red alert symbol on the report so I'd like fire an audible alert that will notify the user that there is a problem.

Can I use vbscript and the "Custom Code" section to play an audio file if a specific criteria is met? Perhaps someone has some creative ideas of how to make this work.



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Error_1_[rsInvalidRepeatOnNewPage] The tablix 'table3' has an invalid TablixMember. The TablixMember must have the same value set for the RepeatOnNewPage property as those following or preceding the dynamic TablixMember. (Expected Value: "True"; Actual Va


Dear All,

I'm trying to create a Report which includes a group but I keep getting the following error message:

Error    1    [rsInvalidRepeatOnNewPage] The tablix 'table3' has an invalid TablixMember. The TablixMember must have the same value set for the RepeatOnNewPage property as those following or preceding the dynamic TablixMember. (Expected Value: "True"; Actual Value: "False")  

Would anyone let me know what I should be doing in order to fix the problem please?

Thank you in advance!

Multiple and mixed values in criteria


We currently have a report that groups by department (which is a three digit number) run by Finance.  Finance currently run this report for all departments and then copy\paste the various departments to the various people.   I've shot myself in the foot once I noticed they did this and said I'll set the report up so that they can run by department.  

However, it appears some people receive reports for multiple departments and some people receive the same departments as others.  For example, the Sales and Marketing director will receive the report for the Sales dept AND the Marketing Dept in one report, whereas a Sales manager will only see the report for Sales etc.

I want to use a parameter so that the user can select a Name\Role via a user-defined list and the report then runs to display all data from departments linked to that role, but i'm stuck on how to do this.  For example, Bob needs to see department 100 and 110, but Mike only needs to see 100.  I can add a non-queried parameter for Mike with a value of 100, but how do I add Bob with both 100 and 110?  The best I can come up with at the moment is ignoring the manager names and just have a long multi-value selection box where the required departments are selected and it's assumed the user knows which departments go to which manager.

I've got a feeling this is simple and i'm just not seeing it but I could be wrong!  I'm using SSRS 2005 by the way (yes, I know - upgrades are on the way).

Thanks in advance

RDL upload to SSRS- report definition has an invalid target namespace


Hi team,

When trying to upload an rdl to SSRS, I get a "The definition of this report is not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. The report definition may have been created with a later version of Reporting Services, or contain content that is not well-formed or not valid based on Reporting Services schemas. Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace. (rsInvalidReportDefinition)"

My current environment is SQL 2014 on one server and SQL2008R2 on another server.  Running Report Builder 3.0 SQL 2008R2. 

What I've done to troubleshoot and try to open and upload 11 reports:
I initially installed Report Builder 3.0 SQL2014 to open the rdl reports.  Since I wasn't able to open in Report Builder 3.0 SQL2014, I uninstalled that and installed Report Builder 3.0 SQL 2008R2.  I was then able to open 2 reports. 

I also tried to change out the report header from 2016 to 2010 and 2008, but no luck. (couldn't supply the exact report header on this initial forum as "Body text cannot contain images or links until we are able to verify your account."

I'm out of ideas, so any help is appreciated.


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