When Mobile Reports (Formerly Datazen) Dashboards are being deployed, are there any "best practice guidelines" for installation of the SQL Server 2016 different components? What are the bare minimum features needed to be installed for only the SSRS mobile reporting until I have time upgrade my application DBs to SQL Server 2016?
If the Mobile Dashboards are going to be available to the public via Power Builder BI, is there a need to install the SQL Server 2016 Instance for the SSRS on a web server? The Data Sources/ Datasets will be accessing a prior version of SQL Server on a DB Server which would be internal.
Can someone point me to some documentation which would explain the setup options? Is it suggested to have the DB server and the SSRS DBs on the same box...
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. As you can tell, I am not a DBA or networking expert by any means.
Diane Hunt Spartan Technology Solutions, Inc.