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format of field in report rdlc


I have a report rdlc, which filled with a dataset that brings some fields from the sql database, one of the fields is of the decimal type, to receive this field I have defined my dataset with a field also decimal.
But when displaying the field in a textbox within a tablix in the report the decimal separator field is a comma, when it should be a point, in which part I can change this setting.
I already tried to change it in the textbox configuration inside the tablix in general and number,also i tried to get the regional configuration of my pc

Nothing seems to work,
I attach the images

Thanks in advance, 

#Error using Replace when value is Null


I have a table with some notes in a field that are delineated by '+++++' - Don't ask... Often times the field contains NULL.  The code does exactly what I want if the field contains records. However, if the field is NULL it returns a #Error. 

I thought the IsNothing would eliminate processing the NULL but apparently not. If I remove the Replace statement, there are no errors.


=iif(IsNothing(Fields!lst_actn.Value),"N/A",iif(len(Fields!lst_actn.Value)>6 ,MID(Fields!lst_actn.Value,7).ToString().Replace("+++++ ",vbCrLf),"N/A"))

Data Example:

+++++ Date: 2/4/2016 3:22 PM - User: ANDREA   +++++ Some Message of Value.  +++++ Date: 12/23/2015 10:15 AM - User: ANDREA   +++++ Another Message in the field of some value. 

Desired output

Date: 2/4/2016 3:22 PM - User: ANDREA
Some Message of Value.
Date: 12/23/2015 10:15 AM - User: ANDREA
Another Message in the field of some value

Remove duplicate value from a Report



I have a report with a value like as Bellow





Total Order











































When you see the report the are some duplicate value in Marque Section i tried to group with Marque but i got the wrong report it give me only one line as bellow the report when i group withMarque :





Total Order



























The report that i want as bellow :





Total Order



































Thanks for help !!

Count 1 record when search 3 fields to be true.


Overview:  I have three fields that I must verify they all are true.  If so, then count that record as 1.  Do this for every iteration that is true.

If ((EEOCategory_Code = "OAM") and (Ethnic_Group_Code = "H") and (Gender_Code = "F")) return 1.  Do this for every 3 fields to be true and sum up the quantity.

EEO     Ethnic     Gender

YES       YES         YES

YES        NO          YES

NO         NO          NO

Using the above table.   I should get a count of 1 returned to be posted to my text box field.

Using the code below,

=Count(IIF((Count(IIF(Fields!EEOCategory_Code.Value = "OAM",1,Nothing))) + (Count(IIF(Fields!Ethnic_Group_Code.Value = "H",1,Nothing))) + (Count(IIF(Fields!Gender_Code.Value = "F",1,Nothing)))) = 3, 1, Nothing))

I get this error

The Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox76.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function.  The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a dataset. (rsInvalidAggregateScope)

My thought was that each count returns 1 if true.  So if I add all my counts, it should sum to 3.  If it is 3 report back 1.  Count up all the 1's.

What is the error of my ways?

Sincerely, Rick Biggs

Create report hierarchy


I am trying to create a tree of all report objects. I am using listChildren method that has a second parameter Recursive. I am setting it to true. I am getting all objects but in a flat structure. Is it possible to get a true hierarchy?


having 3 decimal points in the output


Hi all,

I am working on an SSRS and needs to have 3 decimal points in the output .

please see the code below

Please advise 

=-1 * sum(Fields!amount.Value) * Parameters!ExchangeRate.Value

Question on Tablix/Chart repeating group horizontally and vertically


Hi all --

So I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'd like to have a chart that I have within a Tablix repeat across columns and rows -- essentially to repeat across columns but wrap down after it is two across. This is a bit awkward to explain, so let me provide an example:

I currently have a chart which is nested within a Tablix and utilizes a Row-Group to repeat over all values of the specified group within the dataset as such:

This results in the following:


Which then repeats across pages...But what I'd ideally like, is for it to go through the group by plotting two charts across, then wrapping down, essentially like this:


(Ignore the fact that the third image is just the same 3 group cropped next to eachother -- in reality I want to iterate over the groups such that the above would be 6 different groups, continuing to go in alphabetical order). This way I could then fit 6 charts per page rather than 3, while preserving the overall size and layout of the report (because I have other tables & objects printed in the report before these charts).

Currently the only way that I can think to do this is by just manually creating a separate chart object for each group in my dataset -- but this would be quite tedious as there are many of these groups (results in a total of about 40 charts). Is there anyway that I can repeat the charts over a single group field so that they repeat horizontally (2 across) and then wrap vertically as above?

Thank you!


need drill thru from report with rowgroups and need to pass approp params


Hi we run 2012 enterprise. I have a 4 level row group expandable/collapsible (each level can be toggled by previous row group) drill down in my summary report's tablix.  The tablix is dynamically expandable horizontally with months across the top (column groups).  And years above that.

I have a total row at the bottom of the tablix.  The user can pick the from and to months in the param list.  Each non group cell is a count.

I'd like to allow my user to pick any non group data cell to trigger generation of a drill thru report.  And be able to pass the appropriate params to the drill thru report.  In order to do that, I'd probably need to know what type of row the user clicked from and the value(s) of the rowgroup hierarchy involved.  And what column group value as well.

If from the total line, id probably need to know the fact that it is the total line and what column group value is involved.  Can someone get me started? 

I already have the summary report and drill thru report coded but need to plumb them together.

Error When Printing 0x80004005


Hello Support,

We are running into a new issue printing from Internet Explorer or adobe receiving the following error: An Error Occurred during printing 0x80004005

This affects multiple machines in production and a new PC was imaged with same issue. 

I have confirmed after reading many support articles that we have image rendering available within <render> </render> section of resreportserver.config

Here is a list of the troubleshooting steps that we have taken.

  • Removed RSClientPrint DLL files from PC and the Internet Explorer Add-on and allowed all files to be downloaded from the server again.
  • Added our reports website in internet explorer as a trusted website
  • Tried adding report website in compatibility mode in Internet Explorer
  • Made sure all active X was set to prompt or enable.
  • Removed all temp files on the PC
  • Cleared browser cache and history
  • Removed Internet Explorer 11 to test Internet Explorer 10
  • Removed Internet Explorer 10 to test Internet Explorer 8 (MS Skipped 9 and took us to 8)
  • Verified Chrome did not pull results after running the report when trying another browser.
  • Testing Firefox but it is also not compatible
  • Tested CUTE PDF instead of Adobe Acrobat DC but the files never saved
  • Updated Settings on the Print to PDF to lower the DPI from 1200 to 600 and changed Timeout to 0 so there is no timeouts but the issue remained.
  • Attempted installing Report Viewer 2012 but this may not be used. No change.
  • Checked our server and verified we had Image Rendering enabled as an active extension.
  • We imaged and tested a brand new PC which still receives the same error message. 8GB Ram 64Bit Win 7
  • Removed printer driver and software. Downloaded latest version of printer software and driver again with no change.

Server Setup: 

SQL Server SSRS Reports running on Windows Server 2008 R2 with SOL Server 2008

Any help is greatly appreciated.

create graph


Hello All,

I have one requirement to create graph, as i am new for charting i am confused of selecting the chart and how to make it look better.

data sample like below

Date              No_Of_Calls    Avg_Time_on_Hold   Avg_wait_Time   Avg_talk_Time

2016-10-01  123                123                           32                      122

2016-10-02  423                123                           65                      456

So, basically this is callcenter data and i want to make it visible through chart 

can anyone please suggest the chart and how to design it show this summary ?

Help must be appreciated..

Dilip Patil..

Assign Dynamic Dataset in SSRS Table or Matrix



I have a one SSRS report. in that i am assigning data by one API call. API return XML of DataSet object. 

Problem is DataTable of DataSet has dynamic columns. it has not fix columns. it's depends on argument.

So one solution i found is use matrix & convert all rows into columns. but in that case i may have 100,000 rows then it converts into 1,000,000 rows. as i have 11-15 columns. so i want to avoid that. also i cannot use RDLC. 

Is there any way to use custom code, references or classes to achieve my goal?

So is there any way to assign a dynamic DataTable object directly into Table & have dynamic columns?.

Thanks in Advance

Manish K. Bhalodi

HUGE Mobile Report Publisher BUG. Don't think about connecting to SSAS Model with any parameters!!


Please read this entire post before commenting.  I have been trying to get some kind of acknowledgement from Microsoft on this problem in other posts but finally just needed to make this known.  Mobile Report Publisher cannot connect to parameterized datasets if it's connected to an SSAS Tabular Model.

I keep getting half responses like "update to latest mobile reports publisher" or "specify a default parameter" but I'm telling you, the functionality is broken!

I have a dataset that is connected to an SSAS Tabular model.  The model works fine in MS Excel or in SQL Report Builder 2014.
I have created a dataset using Report Builder 2016 and added a parameter to it.  We need the parameter so the report can be filtered before it is rendered to the client.  For now, I am leaving the parmeter blank to fully demonstate the problem

The Operator Name is just a customer name.

When I try and connect the Mobile Report to this dataset, I get the following error:

I then add a default value for the parameter.

I run the query and data is returned in the designer.

When I try to connect Mobile Report Publisher to the Dataset, I now get this error.

MS, can you please explain why this doesn't work.  This has to be a bug and a huge one at that!

How to display Columns Superscription values with their respective data in PageFooter (SSRS)



I am trying to build a report where the output to be looked like below Mentioned. I have a Dataset with Fields(Columns) in SSRS, In those fields i got a products field with superscription and I have a separate Field for those Superscription in the same DataSet. So ultimately i need these superscription values to be displayed in Page Footer According to that product field.

Can anyone help me out with this.

Below is the sample Data how it should look like.







Pagefooter (superscriptions)                                                                                                  Page-1

1-            1- Sensitivity

2-           2-  Durability





Pagefooter(Superscriptions)                                                                                Page2                                                                                      

3-            3 - Reliability

4-           4- Traction

ssrs 2008 with 2 tablixes


In the existing ssrs 2008 report, currently reports have the header on the first page only. Now there is a requirement to have the page header appear on all reports except one report where milestone_code =999. The report that has only has one page header can have lots of pages generated.

I am thinking of having using the existing tablix and allow only records where milestone_code =999.

I am also thinking of setting up a new tablix where the header would appear on all pages. Basically that would be where milestone_code <> 999.

What would you recommend and would you show me how to follow your recommendation?

Prevent viewing page source code


After a report is opened I can see page source code using a right mouse click. Is possible to inject some JS code into the report to stop right mouse click?


Sum two fields in SSRS


I need to sum two fields but I couldn't.

Can you help me?

=iif(Fields!ABC.Value= "", Nothing, Sum(Fields!PA.Value))

=iif(Fields!XYZ.Value= "", Nothing, Sum(Fields!PA.Value))

It does not work that way:

=iif(Fields!ABC.Value= "", Nothing, Sum(Fields!PA.Value)) + iif(Fields!XYZ.Value= "", Nothing, Sum(Fields!PA.Value))

Erdal Huzmeli

SSRS 2016 Report Viewer Control Compatibility



We are upgrading our SSRS server from 2012 to 2016.  Our application is still using the 2012 viewer control.  When we view a report and click on the printer icon we get the error: "Printing is not available. Verify that ActiveX is enabled, or try using IE for the desktop".  We don't get that error when running the viewer control with SSRS 2012.   Is there a Compatibility issue with SSRS 2016 and Viewer control 2012?   Should I use the 2016 viewer control instead?


Pilar S

Best practices for SSRS development


I know this has been asked a few times, but maybe there is some up to date information. I'm starting a new SSRS project and I'm trying to figure out some best practices. Especially coming from a C# / ReSharper background I am a bit annoyed that renaming things always breaks something. For example I renamed a report parameter "startDate" in "StartDate". The report was broken because the name was still "startDate" somewhere. I checked the dataset parameters, but it showed the correct name in the dialog. Only when I opened the regular expression I saw that there was still the old name! ...

So, things like "Give correct names from the start", "Keep SQL in dataset DB system independent when you want to target different systems", "Check SQL performance directly against DB before you use it", "Show parameters in the print out", etc. Is there a good list of those best practices somewhere? Would be nice if I don't need to find them out myself.


Running reports using reportserver when there are spaces in paths


Seems like I am having problems running reports with the following URL in Chrome:

http://serverbox/Reportserver_SQLExpress_2008?/Custom Reports/CustomReportExample&rs:Command=Render

But if I move the report into the root:


it runs fine. Not sure I am fully understanding the problem but how do I deal with spaces?


viewing SSRS 2016 mobile report issue over load balanced FQDN report server url in IE


When viewing a mobile report I experience the following error:

Could not load mobile report - The report may be misconfigured, the data may not be available, or the server version may be unsupported.


-I experience this error on IE 11 using a load balanced FQDN report server url.

-I do NOT experience this error on chrome using a load balanced FQDN report server url.

-I do NOT experience this error on IE 11 using a direct netbios report server url.

-I can pull up the associated shared dataset perfectly in IE 11 with either load balanced URL or direct netbios url. 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

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