The GroupExpression expression for the tablix ‘Tablix2’ contains an error: [BC30277] Type character '!' does not match declared data type 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportObjectModel.Fields'.
The definition of the report '' is invalid.
An error occurred during local report processing.
=switch(Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "American*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"AM/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "American*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"AM/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Asian*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"AS/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Asian*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"AS/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Black*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"B/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Black*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"B/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Hispanic*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"H/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Hispanic*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"H/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Native*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"NH/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Native*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"NH/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Two*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"Races/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "Two*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"Races/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "White*" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"W/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value like "White*" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"W/M",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value = "Unknown" and Fields! Gender.Value="F" ,"Unknown/F",
Fields!EthnicOrigin.Value = "Unknown" and Fields! Gender.Value="M" ,"Unknown/M")
Thanks for any help!